Crown Paints Interior Colour Book


Orange The word orange comes from an ancient language in Southern India from a wordmeaning fragrant. Orange is seen to be the colour that symbolises health. Orange is a relatively new term in the English language: it wasn’t until the orange fruit was introduced fromEurope that there was a name for the colour. Previously gold was used for orange coloured objects and this is why we have gold fish and not orange fish. vitamin C, healthy, warming, fragrant

Dance Fever ® Z1363D

Powdered Clay ® Y5430Y

Buddhist monks wear orange robes because orange dye was widely available from the jack-fruit tree or the turmeric plant. Orange is linked to the Protestant faith and has many historical links to the Dutch. It is the colour of the nation’s football strip and in April they celebrate Koningsdag (Kings Day) dressed head to toe to pay tribute toWilliam 1, Prince of Orange.

There aremany variations of orange, in addition to the bright orange colour of the fruit, fromcoral, to clay, copper and burnt sienna. Orange symbolises health and vitality. It sits on the warmend of the spectrumand like red it is regarded as a warmcolour. Sweet orange essential oil is known for its uplifting properties and the same can be said for the colour. Many warming spices such as ginger and cinnamon are linked to the orange family.

Y6222R Toasted Spice is a cosy and reassuring colour. Themore subdued tones of orange such as Y5430Z Powdered Clay and Z0580L relate to earthy minerals and are often used to depict organic produce and symbolise unprocessed natural materials. The chalky variations of orange are relaxing and tend to appeal to adults rather than children.

Children aremore receptive to brighter colours such as Z3263X Harvest Crackle as desaturated colours do not get their full attention. Bright oranges such as Y3214U are high intensity colours andmake an impact when used. They are suited to large spaces as they can be seen at a distance or used in smaller quantities to add a splash of colour.



Y6222R Toasted Spice

Y3214U Botanical Extract

Z3263X Harvest Crackle




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