Crown Paints Interior Colour Book



There aremany other descriptive names and paint colours, often relating to food and drinks that tend to havemore positive associations, Z5320J Crushed Chocolate is one example. Warmbrowns like X2140S are colours to tantalise the appetite and as a consequence are often used in coffee shops and restaurants. Alongside green, browns relate strongly to nature and suggest an earthy sincere feel which offers stability and rootedness.

The colour can be found in flooring, furniture and walls as well as in a lot of things we eat and wear. Y3350D Soft Shadow, A9160D Basford Hall and U6270D are neutral versions of brown and regarded as current colours. Hotels often use deeper shades of neutrals because they can suggest exclusivity, while remaining passive due to their neutrality.

Brown Brown is the colour of the soil and the earth and as a result is thought to be comforting and nurturing with connotations of reassurance, stability and reliability. earthy, organic, trustworthy, appetising

Brown refers to low frequency hues which are darker versions of red, orange or yellow. The termbrown does not always conjure up favourable meanings in the fashion and interior world. Brown covers a wide range of the visible spectrumand shade of brown are often referred to as red-brown, yellowish brown, dark brown or light brown. Raw umber and burnt umber are two of the oldest pigments used by man. In their natural form, Raw umber, when heated becomes more intense and is known as burnt umber.

Umber is a brown clay which takes its name from themountainous Italian region of Umbria where it was originally mined. There are a couple of stories around the origin of the name Umber. Many believe that the name derives from terra d’ombra, or earth of Umbria. Others think the word Umbra may be related to the Latin word ombra, meaning “shadow” as it was a key colour of Italian renaissance artists in creating a sense of depth and shadow in their paintings.

Ashburne Hall Image courtesy: Emma Cottam, E.R. Williams (Painting Contractors) Limited

Crushed Chocolate ® Z5320J

Y3350D Soft Shadow


A1580H Home & Dry

U9070R Volcanic Ash

Z5320J Crushed Chocolate




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