Crown Paints Interior Colour Book


Light 99


Crown Paints has its own unique colour system that is used to denote all of our paint colours.

From the SCAN code we are able to understand the characteristics of a colour and can plot it in 3 dimensional space. Using the Scan code we define a

W - X reds

Y - Z orange and browns

U - V magentas

A - B yellows

colour by three characteristics: Hue, Lightness and Saturation.

Light Reflectance Value


R - T lilacs


A. Hue Thefirst twodigits in the scancode relate to thehue, whichdescribes thecolour. Thecircumferenceof the sphere shows thehue, a gradual colour progression fromyellow to orange to redetc. Thehue is divided into24 segments each represented by a letter of the alphabet (excluding I andO). Each segment is brokendown further and givenanumerical value from1-9. B. Lightness - the light reflectance value (LRV). Themiddle twodigits in theSCANcodedenote the lightness value. It is shown through thecoreof the spherewith light tones at the top anddark shades at thebottom. The light reflectance value is the amount of light a colour reflects. 00 being thedarkest and99 the lightest. If a colour reflects a lot of light it is regardedas a light colour andwill have

ahighLRV, usually around70 -90. A lowLRVsuchas06 reflects only6% of light and is thereforeconsidereda dark colour. C. Saturation The last twodigits in theScancode refer to the saturation. Saturation is thechromacity of a colour or in other words, howvividor neutral a colour is. 0A is a greywithnocolour pigment whilst 5Z thebrightestmost vivid shade. The saturation value transitions are in steps of 0A to0Z and then 1A-1Z. Thebrightest colours areon theperimeter of the sphere and themost neutral at thecore. Using theSCANcodecanhelpus visualise a colour. Fromunderstanding theSCANcodewecandisseminate a colour; wecanunderstandwhich colour family it belongs to, how light or howdark it is andhowmuchcolour pigment there iswithin it.




Saturation grey to vivid

Colour namesmay offer emotional descriptions for a colour but these caneasilybemisinterpreted.With our SCANcode eachcolour is scientificallymeasuredand assigned a sixdigit SCANcode. Understanding theSCANcode is useful for several reasons. Thefirst, is that it easily identifies theLight ReflectanceValue; this is required in order tocreate tonal contrast (see the EqualityAct Section formore information). The second reason is that it can tell uswhat colour family a neutral colour belongs to.


C lime greens

K - L aqua blues

G - J aqua greens

D - F greens

M - Q blues

Dark 00



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