American Consequences - November 2020

CORPORATE CULTUREWARS customers of their wares ranging from $29 shorts to a $298 winter puffer coat, should “resist capitalism.” The leggings the company is most famous for retail for a cool $98.

Companies are aware of this and continue to work to ostracize roughly half of the country, and it will be interesting still to see how long they can get away with it. Take Nike and its unending support of former NFL star Colin Kaepernick, who is often seen as the Black Lives Matter and anti-cop “poster boy.” Kaepernick is now featured on the gaming platform of Madden 21, owned by Electronic Arts Sports, and a well-known video game for sports fans. Ironically, former NFL star Tim Tebow, who holds very different political beliefs than Kaepernick, is not featured in the game. And he has not been selected to serve as the model for any major international athletic company. Wonder why? Maybe it is because the West Coast-based company is chock-full of anti- Christian employees in positions of power and unaware that its audience of shoe-buying moms might prefer Tebow as a spokesperson for their sons versus Kaepernick. The Kaepernick example was only heightened this year with the growth of brands everywhere inserting their corporate lingo into well-crafted political and social statements they posted on social media and e-mailed to their lists of customers. Nike currently looks very strong in the stock market as it reported in September 2020 greater-than-expected earnings growth. After the horrific death of George Floyd, which led to the riots and Antifa-fueled damage across the country, it seemed like every brand on the face of the planet had to insert themselves into the conversation. If they did not, they were called out.

Why do brands and Hollywood continue to push Left-leaning agendas and straight-up socialist drivel when it goes against their base? By immersing themselves in the current culture wars, these businesses are hoping to cash in on the country’s wokeness movement... It plays to a small group of very loud-mouthed voices, and they know the majority of their buyers will still buy their products.

Corporations across the economic sphere, from retail to restaurants, have made public their very political and racial statements to the masses.

A basic difference between conservatives and liberals is we can now safely assume that a

conservative will not destroy, sell, or boycott Krauss Co. (a made-up company) because it is liberal-leaning. If Krauss Co. provides a goods or service they want or need, they buy it. But studies have shown that Leftists and self-identified liberals will negatively judge a company and reconsider buying its goods should it hold conservative views. Too bad for Krauss Co. I suppose.


November 2020

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