I was a year and a half ago in my hotel during the 84 th Grand Chapter Meeting when Brother Cross verbally slapped me into social media submission. We all hear about the activities reported by national news outlets and our broth- ers have made the cut in those news- casts many times. But social media allow us to see the breadth and depth of our service and the tremendous impact we are having in our society. As a result, I know all the wonderful things our brothers are doing across the country. I, immediately, know the accomplish- ments of our brothers in Congress. I learn, almost in real time, about every award and prestigious appointment of brothers like Delaware State President, Tony Allen, when he was tapped as one of leaders of President Joe Biden’s inaugural committee. I know when our brothers like Trey Baker are lead- ing major initiatives in the Biden/Har- ris administration. I know when our brothers are fighting all over the country for justice and equality, serving seniors, feeding the unhoused and ensuring our voices are heard through political and social activism. Of course, I am aware when Brother Cliff Franklin obtains ten
million (10,000,000) COVID-19 protec- tive face masks to distribute to Urban League affiliates across the nation. I would be remiss if I didn’t especially recognize the value of social media when it informed the world of the ap- pointment of an impressive man like Brother Robert Contee III, who fea- tured in this Journal edition, as Police Chief of the District of Columbia. Social media was an extremely use- ful tool the past year as we navigated through the COVID-19 pandemic and turbulent political times. In our societal service, Brothers used the media to promote various causes, educate our constituent groups about critical issues and ensure our communities participat- ed on the electoral battlefield. Brothers, individually, were instrumental in sup- porting and helping like-minded people achieve positions that will allow them to forward ideas and legislation that will give Black and Brown people the best opportunities to achieve and maximize their God-given potential in this life. We must now use these same tools as guardians to hold accountable those who greatly benefitted from our help
and help in every way we can to achieve our desired outcomes.
I cannot say our culture of service is any stronger today than in past years. We have certainly done some outstand- ing things and shown an undeniable commitment to community and country since 1911. Evidence of our service is simply more evident today and, for that, we have to give a lot of credit to social media. For my part, I will just say thank you Brother Cross.
Yours in the Bond, Reuben A. Shelton III, Esq. Grand Polemarch
We can trace our culture of service to the beginning of the Fraternity. You only have to thumb through the pages of the Fifth Edition of The Story of Kappa Alpha Psi to chronicle the spirit of service our members have demonstrated since our inception.” “
Grand Polemarch Shelton, using social media to encourage the brothers and their families to "get the shot."
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