Army Navy Country Club COVID19 Response 3.30.21


What do I do if I feel ill? Stay home. ANCC and the CDC recommend if you have any symptoms of Covid - 19 or are not feeling well in general, that you stay home and self quarantine for 14 days. Coming to work with an illness whether Covid - 19, flu, cold ’ s or any other illness, puts your fellow coworkers and members at risk. If you ’ re not feeling well, please contact your manager, let them know you are unable to come to work for your shift, and if necessary, seek medical attention. What do I do if I have been exposed to Covid - 19 while caring for a family member? You are required to stay self - isolated for 14 - days and may only return to work if you are symptom free. If during the isolation period your symptoms worsen, seek medical attention. For more guidelines, please reference the CDC ’ s website. What do I do if I have been diagnosed with Covid - 19? You are required to stay home until you have fully recovered from Covid - 19. You may return work once a doctor has released you to duty. What if I am concerned about returning to work as I have an underlying health condition? Please speak with Human Resources, they will address your concerns and together with your input will come up with a solution. All information related to your health condition will be kept confidential. If unable to return to work, you will be eligible to utilize your vacation or pto. What if I am unable to return to work due my childcare facility being closed due to Covid - 19? Please speak with Human Resources, they will address your concerns and together with your input will come up with a solution. You may be eligible for Paid Family Leave under the Families First Cares Act. What if I do not have sick or personal time and I am required to self - quarantine, test positive to Covid - 19 or have to care for a family member? Contact Human Resources, you maybe eligible for Paid Sick Leave under the Families First Cares Act.


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