Army Navy Country Club COVID19 Response 3.30.21


If I have questions regarding any work or COVID-19 information who do I ask?

Contact your manager or Human Resources

What if I am concerned about returning to work as I have an underlying health condition or am over 60? Please speak with Human Resources, they will address your concerns and together with your input will come up with a solution. All information related to your health condition will be kept confidential. If unable to return to work, you will be eligible to utilize your vacation or paid time off. What if I am unable to return to work due my childcare facility being closed due to Covid-19? Please speak with Human Resources, they will address your concerns and together with your input will come up with a solution. You may be eligible for Paid Family Leave under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act. (“ FFCRA ”)

What if I do not have sick or personal time and I am required to self-quarantine, test positive to Covid-19 or have to care for a family member?


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