Tennis (To begin 12 June)
1. We will allow guests, as normal. Nevertheless, we reserve the right to restrict the times during which guests may play as the situation evolves. 2. We will allow the use of ball machines and the checkout of ball hoppers. 3. We will permit up to 6 participants in a clinic. 4. Members will be allowed to touch balls during clinics and lessons. 5. We will permit matches against other clubs, as approved by the Tennis Committee. 6. The Indoor Tennis Center will remain closed.
Fitness (To begin 15 June)
1. We plan to open the Fitness Center, by reservation only, with limited hours and at 30% capaci- ty. Operational details are still under review. 2. There will be limited access to equipment.
Aquatics (To begin 15 June)
1. Lap swimming will continue. Family members, up to 3, may share a lane; 2 swimmers per lane if unrelated. 2. Limited takeout dining will be available at the Dive Inn, which we will be called “ Dive Inn Ex- press. ” 3. We will commence swimming instruction to include 1:1 lessons, swim clinics, and water aero- bics. 4. We plan to open training and adult pools for instruction only. 5. No recreational free play is permitted in Phase 2.
Juniors (TBD)
1. We plan to open or increase opportunities for junior camps. We will require signed waivers from all participants
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