Army Navy Country Club COVID19 Response 3.30.21


6. Aquatics Arlington :

Our maximum occupancy across all pools and decks is 250.Social distancing of 10 ft still required on pool decks and in water and will be strictly enforced. Pools will be separated into quadrants to allow for social distancing. Free play allowed with restrictions. Lap lane reservations will continue. Guests are not permitted at Arlington. Please bring your own towels, filled water bottles, and sunscreen. Pursuant to Arlington County regulations, no food or drink, other than water, is permitted on pool decks. Member check in will move from the Dive Inn deck to main lobby. Please do not move any ta- bles, chairs, or loungers as they are placed in accordance with social distancing guidelines. All chil- dren must be accompanied by adult Member while in the water or lounging. Fairfax : Our maximum occupancy across all pools and decks in 147.Social distancing of 10 feet still required on pool decks and in water and will be strictly enforced. Free play allowed with restrictions. Lap lane reservations will continue. Six quadrants will be available without a need to make a reserva- tion. Members are encouraged to call Fairfax Aquatics to gauge capacity. Guest are permitted at Fair- fax. Please bring your own towels, filled water bottles, and sunscreen. Tables/chair seating will be available on the concrete slabs. Members may obtain food from Pavilion and eat at tables. No food or drink, other than water, is permitted on pool decks. Please do not move any tables, chairs, or loungers as they are placed in accordance with social distancing guidelines. All children must be ac- companied by adult Member while in the water or lounging.


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