Tasmania Resident Handbook (Feb 2024 Version)

Window tracks If the dirt or dust in your

window tracks is loose, you can use a vacuum cleaner attachment or a small crevice tool to clean it out. For packed on grit you may need to take the following steps: 1. Use a vacuum cleaner with a crevice tool attachment to clear out any loose soil, dust bunnies or expired insects. 2. Use a disposable wipe to remove soil build up from the centre of the track. 3. Wrap a disposable wipe around a plastic putty knife and angle knife to clean the crevices and corners. 4. Wipe the track dry with a clean microfibre cloth. 5. Repeat as necessary until all the dirt is removed.


Baking Soda

Prefer no chemicals? Here’s an alternative chemical free cleaning method. Baking soda effectively cleans, deodorises, brightens, and cuts through grease and grime. Vinegar is also a great cleaning staple, excellent for tough grime in bathrooms and showers. You can spray white vinegar onto surfaces to sit for 30 minutes, then rinse away with warm water.


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