Spring collection

PE P.E. this term is on Monday and Thursday for 3B and Friday for 3V and 3K. Could you please ensure that children have the appropriate kit in school, particularly pumps that fit! Children in Year 3 will be taking part in a ‘Superheroes’ unit of work in dance. Games will also include invasion games such as dodge ball. Computing This term children will use coding to create simple programs, and they will communicate through emails and word processing. We will be focussing on touch typing and using the create fingers to type. RE This term children will find out more about how different religions view their God, how different religions show their faiths, and how Sikhism is practised.


This term we will be continuing to develop our writing through ‘Talk4Writing’, covering genres such as instructions, non-chronological reports, poetry and advertisements.

Superheroes This is a cross-curricular topic covering foundation subjects in the curriculum. In the Spring Term Year 3 will be exploring the roles of local ‘heroes’ in our com- munity, including the Guide Dogs for the Blind. Visits include Creswell Crags and a Stone Age work- shop. This will be an exciting opening for the children to explore the Stone Age and have a hands on experi- ence in the caves. History Linking to our science topic of ’Rock Detectives’ chil- dren will be learning about the Stone Age, and how early people lived. Children will investigate settle- ments, food and tools. Geography Children will be able to draw simple maps, plot places on a map and find symbols on a grid. They will learn how to use 4-figure grid references in geography to map loca- tions of local heroes. They will also understand the differences between physical and human geography of the U.K. Art Linking to our Superhero topic, children will learn about famous artists of the ‘Pop Art’ movement, including Lichtenstein. They will create colourful stylised ono- matopoeia words, such as ‘zoom’, ‘crash’, ‘pow’ etc. We will make stone age cave paintings and will explore ob- servational drawing.

We will be using our topic of ‘Superheroes’ to inspire both fiction and non-fiction writing.


We will be consolidating mental and written methods from the New Curriculum for number (the expanded and concise methods for written calculations), as well as ensuring that times tables are learnt by heart! 3, 4 and 8 X tables are being consolidated, and children will be practising all times tables in random order, and their related division facts. We will also be practising multiplication and division calculations, worded problems and Money. There will be op- portunities during the term to use and apply the children’s learning in a range of different con- texts, including cross-curricular activities.


This term the children will continue to learn French phases and sentences. They will be learning the days of the week, months and year. They will de- velop short phrase conversations.


The focus is ‘Healthy Bodies and Healthy Minds’, the children will follow a series of ‘wellbeing’ class assemblies on how to look after teeth, personal hygiene, basic first aid, exercise and mental health. They will learn to recognise emotions, ways to manage their emotions to improve mental health.

Science .

We are working on magnetism, and investigating materials and their properties.

We will then be focussing on Rocks, and investigating properties of rocks and sorting and classifying them.

The Federation of Abbey Infant and Junior School.



This term children will be learning about standard no- tation using the glockenspiels to play motifs, to impro- vise melodies and rhythms and to accompany songs. They will also be learning ‘Three Little Birds.’

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