Spring collection

PE This half term we will continue to swim on Tuesday mornings. All children are expected to participate in these sessions, since this is a national require- ment. 4A PE sessions will be on Thursday. This term we will be completing the Abbey Junior Apprentice. The children will have an opportunity to plan, design and create toys using Scratch. They will eventually pitch their ideas to the Apprentice Judge’s Panel and the winning teams will receive a prize. RE We shall continue to explore what we can learn from both the creation and Easter stories. Much of the learning will be done through speaking & listen- ing activities and creative thinking. Educational visits 40 children will be visiting Edgmond Hall on a resi- dential visit. The remaining children will be partici- pating in adventurous and creative activities throughout this week. We will also be visiting The Lunt Roman Fort to kick-start our Roman topic. PSHE During our Wellbeing Assemblies we will teach the children how to look after their mental and physical health and how to cope with everyday difficulties. Computing


Imaginary Worlds!

This term we will continue to use Talk4Writing to expand the children's knowledge of text and sentence types. The genres that we will be focusing on are narrative (quest), diary ac- count, persuasive brochure and letter writing. There will be an emphasis on using various sentence types and developing punctuation marks and vocabulary. We will continue to de- velop a cursive handwriting style This term we will continue to develop our top- ics through a mastery approach, this will in- clude multiplication and division, measure (area), fractions and decimals. The children will continue to use Times Table Rockstars to develop their fluency. There is daily opportuni- ty for fluency and catch up for children. The children will be developing their explanations and reasoning In the first half term we will be looking at electricity. The children will recognise various sources of electricity and will have opportuni- ties to create their own electrical circuits, testing them for faults. In the second half term we shall also be exploring sound and how it travels. We will be visited by a hearing im- paired community group, who will explain to the children what living without the ability to hear is like. Throughout lessons, we aim to give the children many opportunities to experiment with different ideas and test out their own thoughts. Science Maths

In this topic, we shall create magical lands and char- acters, as well as learning the art of Cartography.

History We will be exploring the history of map making and will be taking part in the Warley Woods history trail to explore local history. Design Technology The children will be using a craft knife to accurately cut out silhouettes of imaginary world’s characters. Art The art focus for this half term will be using charcoal to draw and shade. The children will be given opportu- nities to work with a range of media in order to create their own imaginary world posters in the style of Alvim Correa. Geography The children will be developing their understanding of maps by studying the art of Cartography. We will also be looking at OS Maps. Music The music this term will be listening to and appraising a variety of genres. The children will also recognise different rhythms. The themes will be ‘Stop Bullying’ and ‘Lean on me’. MFL Throughout the term the children will be engaging in conversations, appreciating songs and developing their understanding of the French language.

The Federation of Abbey Infant and Junior School.

Phone: 0121-429-2700 Fax: 0121-434-4643 E-mail: office@abbey-jun.sandwell.sch.uk

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