Spring collection

PE P.E this term is on the following days. 1P :Thursday 1D :Thursday 1CP :Alternate Mondays and Wednesdays


Throughout the term we will use Talk for Writing and learn, explore, adapt and write a variety of texts. We will be look- ing at non-fiction texts as well as traditional tales. We would appreciate it if you could send your child's book and reading diary in every day , but we would ask that they are definitely in school on the following days:

Famous People In Year 1 we will be learning about Famous People with a focus on famous scientists and artists. We begin with covering the work of Edward Jenner and Alexander Fleming and growing our own mould in the classroom! To kick start our famous scientists topic, the children will enjoy a visit from Sublime Science in which they will be taking part in some fun, exciting experiments. We will also visit the Thinktank to support this work. After half term, we will be studying the work of the film artist Walt Disney. A Disney show will provide a finale to our Spring term work. Art/DT During the first half term the children will be experimenting with colour mixing, using primary colours to create secondary colours and adding white to create tints. They will find out about the artist Kandinsky, and will make use of their colour mixing skills when replicating his style of work. In the second half of the term, there will be a design and technology focus in which the children will be designing a new carriage for Cinderella! Using a range of materials and mechanisms they will bring their design to life. individuals in the past who have contributed to national and International achievements. Many of these significant people will be linked to our learning in Science such as Edward Jenner and Alexander Fleming. The children will not only be finding out about their lives and work but also carrying out investigations linked to some of our chosen scientists. History In History, we will be exploring the lives of significant

Please ensure that your child has the correct kit in school including pumps. This term we will be focusing on games and dance. The children will be developing their agility, balance and co-ordination through playing a range of games. In dance they will learn and per- form dances using a range of movement patterns and through this will be developing flexibility, strength, technique, control and balance. Computing In the first half term the children will be given the opportunity to develop their videoing skills. Linking nicely with our PSHE and well-being focus of ‘Keeping Healthy’, they will work in groups to create and record a video of how to make a cheese sandwich. Following the half term break, the children will be developing their skills in saving and storing sounds using digital equipment. Their goal will be to produce a talking book! RE The focus for the Spring Term will be Sikhism. The children will learn Sikh stories and the messages behind them. They will find out about Sikh symbols and their meanings and about objects that are special to Sikh people.

1D– Wednesday 1CP– Thursday 1P—Friday

Maths During the first half term, children will be learning to add and subtract one-digit and two-digit numbers to 20, They will solve one-step problems that involve addition and subtraction, using concrete objects and pictorial representations. Prac- tising number bonds at home will really help your child with these processes. Children will develop their understanding of numbers to 50 using objects and pictorial representations, including the number line. They will learn to recognise the place value of each digit in a two-digit number (tens, ones) and compare and order numbers to 100 using the signs <, > or =. In the second half term, children will be introduced to length, height, weight and volume, where they will compare measure- ments and use specific mathematical language such as heavy/ light and heavier than. Children will learn to count in multiples of twos, fives and tens. They will solve simple problems involving multiplication and division and will be introduced to the meth- od of representing answers using arrays. Science Science will be linked to our topic - learning about scientists and inventors and will start with a visit from Sub- lime Science. Children will work on their own investigations throughout the first half term. During the second half term, children will look at the struc- ture of a flower, create their own and label it. They will be able to label the structure of a tree, understand the differ- ence between deciduous and evergreen trees and name and identify common flowers and trees. They will also grow their own cress seeds and broad bean seeds and observe their growth. Children will make predications about what they think might happen and carry out simple experiments.

The Federation of Abbey Infant and Junior School.

Phone: 0121-429-1689 Fax: 0121-469-1689 E-mail: office@abbey-inf.sandwell.sch.uk

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