The Chartered Institute of Payroll Professionals
News On Line
August 2023: HMRC monthly performance report Published: 5 October 2023 Emailed: 11 October 2023
A monthly summary has been released about how HM revenue and Customs (HMRC) has performed against its targets.
This monthly report shows how HMRC is doing against the most important customer service performance objectives such as:
• how satisfied customers are with HMRC’s services • how HMRC is helping online customers • how many phone calls HMRC answer • how quickly HMRC handle correspondence.
Below are some of the summary points outlined in the report: • 77.7% of customers were either ‘satisfied’ or ‘very satisfied’ with phone, webchat and digital services. HMRC aims to achieve 80% customer satisfaction • the Net Easy (phone, webchat and digital services) score was 58.2%. HMRC aims to achieve 70% Net Easy • HMRC received more than 127,000 webchats. The proportion handled was 95.9% • HMRC received more than 2.8 million calls in August 2023, and around 1.9 million callers requested to speak to an adviser, of which 68.5% were answered. HMRC aims to handle 85% of telephony adviser attempts • HMRC received around 1.6 million iForms and items of post, of which around 1.2 million required a response. The proportion HMRC turned around within 15 days was 71.9%. HMRC aims to achieve 80% of correspondence turned around within 15 working days • correspondence cleared in 40 working days - the proportion HMRC turned around within 40 days was 83.3%. HMRC aims to achieve 95% • A ‘yes / no’ question was asked whether the customer was able to achieve what they needed to today - 82.8% responded ‘yes’. Contact volumes
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