CIPP Payroll: need to know - 2023-24

The Chartered Institute of Payroll Professionals

News On Line

Views are welcomed particularly from: • employers • healthcare professionals • non-healthcare professionals • OH providers.

On the other hand, the ‘ Tax Incentives for Occupational Health ’ consultation , is aimed at employers and exploring the role of tax incentives in boosting OH provision by employers. However, together these consultations will inform the government’s approach to supporting OH provision.

You can provide your input to the consultation directly by completing the response form. Alternatively, your response can be emailed to oh.consultation@DWP.GOV.UK. This consultation closes at 11:59pm on 12 October 2023.

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Options for DB pension schemes: call for evidence Published: 7 August 2023 Emailed: 9 August 2023

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) is currently seeking views on unlocking investment structures in the Defined Benefit (DB) pension space.

The government would like to explore investments into start-ups, infrastructure and other private equity and long-term investments. This has been dubbed “productive finance”.

DWP would like to hear from the pensions industry, especially DB schemes and their sponsoring employers, and other stakeholders who can offer an informed perspective on how DB schemes engage with ‘productive finance’ in practice and how that could change. This is a particularly niche consultation; however, you may have some views as someone with an interest in DB pension offerings. If so, we would encourage you to look deeper into this call for evidence and respond with your views.

This call for evidence closes on 5 September 2023.

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Tax incentives for occupational health consultation Published: 7 August 2023 Emailed: 9 August 2023

HM Treasury and HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) have released a joint consultation into tax incentives for occupation health offerings.

This consultation is aimed at employers and explores the role of tax incentives in boosting occupational health provision.

The consultation asks for opinions on:

• current benefit in kind exemptions for occupational health services • proposals on what to include if expanding benefit in kind exemptions for occupational health services.

If you would like to shape the future of tax exemptions allowing employers to provide more occupational health services, please complete our survey at consultation.

This survey will close on 26 September 2023.

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