The Chartered Institute of Payroll Professionals
News On Line
Free and paid-for payroll software recognised by HMRC Published: 15 June 2023 Emailed: 21 June 2023
HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) publishes a list of recognised payroll software that can be used to report PAYE information online. The list has currently been updated with entries for seven suppliers, two new entries and one removal. Before choosing a payroll software, find out how to get a business ready to employ staff here. You can use payroll software to report PAYE to HMRC online and remain complaint with filing. Features needed for your business or clients requirements and if the software chosen has those features, should also be checked.
The full guidance can be found here. The list is regularly updated and always a good place to start when considering a change of payroll software.
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Help to improve GOV.UK Published: 15 June 2023 Emailed: 21 June 2023
Did you know? You can report problems with HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) online services or GOV.UK pages, with a click.
There is a function at the bottom of every page on GOV.UK:
If you select ‘No’ then a feedback form is sent to you for further information:
Additionally, you can report a problem with the page, which then prompts the below for completion:
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