Dorothy - A Life in Stories, 2023

We were also friends with Ronnie Smull and her husband, Harold. Ronnie could not get preg- nant for a long time. Just about the time she was ready to give up, she got pregnant. That must have gotten things working because she then had four children in six years. When you walked into her house it was chaos. The kids painted the walls with the baby cream, Destin™. It works fine on their bottoms but looks terrible on walls. Ronnie was very talented, she could paint so well she was able to sell her paintings. She could sew a man’s suit, no small accomplishment. And she was good at all sorts of arts and crafts. I am still in touch with her sister-in-law, Harold’s sister, Betty Cooperman. Every time we talk on the phone she never fails to say, “I am still the pretty one,” when comparing herself to me. It still makes

me laugh to hear it. My sister, Pearl, on the other hand, always said to anyone who would listen, “She may be the pretty one (referring to me), but I’m the smart one.” CHARITY BEGINS AT HOME Once, Herman and I went to a big charity event. There must have been 1,500 people attend- ing. We were with Betty and Occie, and Ronnie and Harold. There was a raffle for a white fox stole. Guess who won? Me! Pearl and Al were already in their car, ready to leave, and when she heard the announcement she jumped out and ran back inside, right up onto the stage she was so excited. Betty wasn’t as happy; she thought the stole should be hers. But I was the lucky one that night. By the way, Ronnie picked the winning ticket. We played cards at Joe Pyne and his wife, Sammie’s house. We were still in that stage before the responsibilities of having children begins and, although I was pregnant, we still had time for fun. One night we were playing Blackjack for $20 a card. By the end of the evening Herman and I had won $300. We stayed overnight and on the drive home the next morning we were laughing and excited about our winnings. Then Joe called and asked for a rematch. Herman couldn’t say no. The rematch took back all our winnings and then some. Joe called a few days later to thank us for the new chair in their living room. OUR OWN PLACE One day Herman came home and announced that he wanted us to have a place of our own. So after eight months with Nana Dora we bought a small row house in the middle of the block, at 322 W. 22nd Street, a few blocks away from her and moved in. Ours was the only row house with a single stairway in front of the house. We paid more for it because it was so clean. I have learned a lot over the years about how to decorate and coordinate the colors of a house. Back then as a new bride I wanted to be different in choosing colors for my new house. My parents had dark colors and dark furniture, I wanted some- thing brighter. There was a furniture store in Phil- adelphia called Dorothy Lerner. One day I walked by and everything in her front window was pink and turquoise. That did it for me. My living room

First Home 322 W. 22nd Street Chester, Pennsylvania 1953


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