TWO CHILDREN? NOT POSSIBLE My doctor told me to go home and stay upstairs for awhile; he said I shouldn’t get pregnant again for at least a year and a half. The way I felt that seemed like good advice. Shortly after I came back
Herman gave me a beautiful watch when Frank was born. I was a young wife, and now a mother, and true to my mother-in-law’s advice, I was watching the money very closely. I took the
from the hospital I looked out the window and saw a woman walk- ing not one but two (!) children down the street. I couldn’t believe it was even possi- ble to have more
watch back to the jewel- ry store. Herman was very disappointed and I learned a lesson about when to be frugal and when to let someone do something nice for you. I was wrong to take the watch back and I’m still sorry I did.
I looked out the window and saw a woman walking not one but two children.
than one child after what I had just been through. So, of course, four months later I was sitting outside the house and I told Herman I was feeling dizzy. I was pregnant again. So much for following the doctor’s advice.
Housework was a lot more labor-intensive in those days. Making dinner was an all day affair, even for things that seem simple, like spaghetti. You had to start the sauce early in the morning so it could simmer all day. Shopping and keeping the house clean and doing the laundry and ironing took
Frank, Mike and the dog Cindy
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