Dorothy - A Life in Stories, 2023


W r i t i n g t h e s e stor ies a g a i n after so m a n y years is like traveling through time. There are years that pass by as if they are moments; there are others that seem to last forever. It is the same way with memory. I remember in- cidents and people from my childhood as if they happened yesterday. And there are years that were filled with incidents and people of which I have no memory at all. Why this is so is a mystery of the human mind. We all share this strange selective memory. A doll or a dress from childhood is viv- id and clear. A year of work or raising kids without some major disaster or some major accomplishment can easily be forgotten. 318

346 Little Things like Love 363 FATHER’S DAY 364 WHO DO I THINK I AM? 365 ABIGAIL AND THE MASKS 366 The Key to the City 368 Wendy 370 Epilogue 373 Hello Dotsy 374 Each of us is an Author 375 To Face the Future


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