Dorothy - A Life in Stories, 2023

Each of us is an Author From the Musaf le-rosh Hashanah “You open the Book of Remembrance, and it speaks for itself, For each of us has signed it with deeds.” This is the sobering truth, Which both frightens and consoles us: Each of us is an author,

Writing, with deeds, in life’s Great Book. And to each You have given the power To write lines that will never be lost. No song is so trivial, No story is commonplace, No deed is so insignificant, That you do not record it. No kindness is done in vain; Each mean act leaves its imprint; All our deeds, the good and the bad, Are noted and remembered by You. So help us to remember always That what we do will live forever; That the echoes of the words we speak

Will resound until the end of time. May our lives reflect the awareness; May our deeds bring no shame or reproach. May the entries we make in the Book of Remembrance Be ever acceptable to You.

I was so impressed when I found this in the “Book of Remembrance.” - Dorothy


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