Dorothy - A Life in Stories, 2023

Nana by the number

1. North Pole 2. Frank pouring the tea 3. Dad spraying a mouthful of coffee when Aunt Pearl a said they should get married 4. You should really talk to my neighbor 5. Uncle Michel had a farm 6. You have no idea how poor we were 7. The money doesn’t grow on trees. You’re so wasteful. 8. “I’m so glad I could make you comfortable, Dorothy.” 9. Hurry the palmettos. 10. You need more makeup. 11. This is the best ----- I have ever eaten. 12. You MUST do x, see y, you must try the -----at this restaurant 13. Can I get you something to eat? Approx. spoken 1x/ 10 minutes. 14. Is it hot enough? 15. Bring a sweater. 16. Slow down. 17. Can you tell me how to use my phone? TV? Computer, or feature in car? 18. Repeated bi-weekly. 19. Is she Jewish? 20. I knew it. 21. I need to make some returns. 22. I could have gotten it for less money. 23. Twenty two is our family’s lucky number 24. I was so stupid. I can’t believe I fed you sour cream and mashed bananas. I was such a terrible mother. 25. Can you believe I wanted you to go to Antioch because it was safer. 26. One time my son called to say if I was sitting, and then told me he jumped out of an airplane. 27. Try some. You’ll love it. 28. This cantaloupe is sweet as sugar. 29. Michael and smashing the guitar against the TV 30. Dad smashing Michael’s guitar. 31. You aren’t leaving the house like that are you? 32. Your dad had to esplain it to you. 33. I’m ready to publish my book but I need some stories and pics from your family spoken about 3 years in a row. 34. “It’s mom’s dresses. Here they come!” 35. The ziti story 36. Michael Frank Steven WENDY! 37. Just take one more bite. 38. If you are going to marry x, you might as well stab me in the heart. 39. Onie Dew? 40. Look at this man Motel. Such a business man. 41. I found this item for 50% off. 42. I’m not selling my house unless I can get x (an amount about 50% higher than the market rate. 43. In all the years I can’t remember her ever complimenting my clothes or appearance.

44. Gay kOkken af in yahm 45. Don’t forget the e-g-g. 46. Would you like x? I have some extra in my garage. 376

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