Dorothy - A Life in Stories, 2023

47. My father never talked to me. He was always working. 48. Nana latkes and Nana lectures. 49. You must hear about X. 50. You should have seen how you were dressed when Nana would take you to school. 51. Can you remember losing the scarf? 52. When Frank started kindergarten, the teacher said he would play by himself. 53. When I learned about Franks teeth, his doc had me walk through a cancer clinic so I could see people much worse off than my son. 54. Do you remember how you were managing all those people for the McGovern campaign and had Shirley McClaine at the house? 55. You should have seen how sharp you looked with a certain suit and haircut 56. Why do all the kids come to our house every year on New Year’s Eve? 57. When Frank was recovering from surgery and was out of it, whenever he would wake up for a few minutes, I would ask him for a seven-letter words for the puzzle I was working on. 58. Dad and Michael causing a flood. 59. Two spoons = stewed prunes 60. Do I look heavy in this dress? 61. You should have seen the car your dad was driving on our first date. 62. Ruby Foo Foo 63. The prices in this neighborhood have become astronomical. 64. Nana Dora collected the rent and secretly saved some every week, accumulating enough to help her husband Frank start a gas station and restaurant. 65. I’m making pancakes. 66. I made pancakes. 67. I’m going to make pancakes. 68. Wendy and I have to approve anyone you get involved with. 69. They have a very nice class of people there (referring to a cemetery). 70. My father loaded us up and we moved to California. 71. I love ‘insert name’ most of all. 72. Eat your_________. 73. You have to make all gone. 74. Just one more bite. 75. Wait ‘til your father gets home. You’re gonna get a lickin’! 76. Dinner time. 77. Clean up your room. 78. Would you like some pancakes? 79. Tommy, I never knew you were so handsome, with that new haircut. 80. Tommy, you’re my favorite and I love you more than the other grandchildren 81. To my other grandchildren, I never knew you’re, ........... 82. I love your haircuts better than all the other grandchildren. 83. Frank, you must take number 34 off the list. That’s much too embarrassing. 84. Soft as butter 85. Frank’s eyes looked like red neon lights 86. I’m not talking to x. Can you believe what x did? X owes me an apology. 87. What do you think about how rude x was to me. Can I sue? 88. Varf ahrein dine mordar ahzoy vee ah klaynikah hoont (put your face in my hands like a little puppy dog) 89. Are you getting hungry yet? 90. I’ll have just a little sliver ( for cake) 91. Who wants blueberry pancakes? What do you mean “no?” 92. Well then what kind of drink can I get you? 93. You have to have something. 377

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