94. Lauren are you still a vegetarian? 95. I don’t believe it! 96. You can have a soda or coffee but not both 97. I just love epaulets 98. The greatest gift of all is my family. 99. You ( her female granddaughters) remind me of the girls in Little Women 100. How a bout a little more cake? 101. After sharing a cabin with Jessica, “I’m not sure I can ever love her again.” 102. “You will never meet a nicer more fabulous guy than Albert [nipon] . I mean it.” 103. You have a very sexy grandmother. 104. Are you wearing rouge? 105. When Jay walked into Nana’s patio. I thought it was Abraham Lincoln 106. Can you turn the radio off please? “Its an assault on the eardrums, 107. Speak slowly and clearly. Nobody hears you when don’t. 108. Expressed in 3 more sentences saying the thing in different ways 109. “I wanna tell you” 110. I never hear from you. When are you coming over? 111. You know, I haven’t heard from x since he/she arrived in town. 112. It’s embarrassing to show such little respect. (Usual spoken 3- 6hours after arrival) 113. How’s your romance:? hotandheavy? 114. Make sure you lock the doors to your house 115. Did you pack x? 116. Do you want acuppa coffee? 117. Do you have enough to wear? 118. You should bring a sweater for the movies. 119. I don’t know how you could spend that much money on x 120. Did you wash your hands 121. Who wants to crack the egg? 122. That’s one no minestrone. 123. Frank called to say he had meningitis and Herman flew all night to get to the hospital. Frank was lucky because his doc just returned from Africa. 124. Frank’s door said Frank died go away. 125. Are you wearing sun tan lotion? 126. Be careful of the undertow. You could drown 127. Michael, go to your room!!! (for Maybe 10 minutes) 128. I love you. 129. This an assault on the eardrums 130. It’s hop to you 131. Here’s your hat, what’s your hurry. 132. Upon entering 595 from the sawgrass bridge: you Must slow down. 133. I’m a terrible passenger 134. How about that? 135. Aklantic city 136. I’ll never forget what’s his name. 137. How do you use the remote. Let me write it down.
138. What is password? Let me write that down. 139. The password is fixed. What is the password? 140. I don’t remember the password.
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