Dorothy - A Life in Stories, 2023

could. Dock Street has been a busy commercial trading area since the founding of Philadelphia. It is not a refined section of town and I learned words that I never heard anywhere else until I worked there. The men I worked with weren’t that bad but I am pretty sure some of their salty language started with the pirates who used to visit Dock Street. While I was working on Dock

Street I saved every penny I could to buy a fur coat. In these days fur is no longer fashionable and is even considered in bad taste by many. But back then fur was the height of fashion and every woman wanted it. I only earned about $45 a week but I managed to save $1,200. I bought War bonds and only spent money on clothes, lunches and carfare to get to work.


Then my girlfriend, Pearl Pick- er, became engaged to be married and decided to leave her job work- ing for a company on Dock Street that sold fruits and vegetables to all the stores. The pay was a little better but Pearl didn’t think I should take the job because the men on Dock Street used very rough language. I told her if she could handle it, I


Dock Street Area: Philadelphia

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