Biola Broadcaster - 1970-04

everlasting life in Him. There is depth, application and significance here for all of us. We should look daily and constantly to the Lamb of God, who taketh away the sin of the world. Listen to David’s testi­ mony, “As the hart panteth after the waterbrook, so panteth my soul after thee, 0 God!” Are you trusting in that living Fountain? Having trusted, are you looking often to Him? This great outpouring to meet our needs comes from the risen, exalted, glorified Christ! Word Six by Dr. Arnold Ehlert C hrist ’ s sixth word from the cross is given only in John 19: 30, “It is finished.” Matthew com­ ments, “Jesus, when He had cried with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost.” Mark and Luke have similar statements. These words were ad­ dressed to the world. The three words here in English are actually one word in the original Greek. This speaks of an action completed in the past whose results remain. When Jesus spoke these words, there was much with regard to God’s redemp­ tive program which was past. Now it’s no longer future and prophetic. “It is finished!” In His high priest­ ly prayer recorded in John 17, the Lord reported to His Father, “I have glorified Thee on the earth; I have finished the work which Thou gav- est Me to do” (verse 4). In Genesis 2:1, God says, “Thus the heavens and the earth were finished.” There will yet be another finish in time as we know it. The book of Revela­ tion tells of events that will tran­ spire on the earth. The word “fin­ ished” is heralded clearly. It rings at the beginning, the middle, and at the end of history. In the beginning, 10

all things were made by Christ, and without Him was not anything made that was made. At the end, all things will be brought into His subjection as a result of His rule of righteous­ ness over the earth for a thousand years. Now, in the middle, we see Him tying these two together by the mighty act of redemption. Without the first act of creation, there could be no new creation. Without the new creation, there could be no kingdom of righteousness. There are many things in the Bible which God has done. They’re spoken of as His works. All the various works of God prior to the cross, lead up to and prepare the way for, the great consummation of the finished work of Christ on the cross. What was finished? The limit of His short life here on earth was com­ pleted. He had 33 years of living, but only three-and-a-half years of min­ istry. The law was fulfilled. The covenant was finally ratified by the blood. The way of mercy was opened. Satan was defeated. Here on the cross the head of the serpent was crushed. Death itself was defeated. Another thing finished that after­ noon in Jerusalem was the heavy veil separating man from God. It was rent in the midst. Daniel had been informed by Gabriel that this day would come (9:24). All that was necessary to the accomplishment of human redemption was finished. The perpetual answer of the redeemed should echo, “Worthy art Thou, for Thou wast slain and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred and tongue and people and nation.” Nothing more can be added to our salvation. “It is finished” reveals the sovereign language of free grace. It’s been completely and adequately paid for. Double payment cannot be demanded; double jeopardy is not permitted. In these words, “It is finished,” we find the utter, yet grand, humili

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