Biola Broadcaster - 1970-04

members and bragging about its ac­ complishments. It thereby loses its spiritual power. A true church serv­ ing Jesus Christ will be trying to get men and women to the foot of the cross in repentance and salva­ tion, going out to serve the com­ munity in the Saviour’s name. We need to impress people only with our humility, genuine sincerity, and love. Let us always remember that the church going places for God is the church girding itself spiritually with a towel, really serving Jesus Christ. The church loses its balance when it stresses mechanics instead of mis­ sions, the church roll instead of the Lamb’s book of life, statistics in­ stead of spirituality, propaganda in­ stead of power from above, and glamour instead of godliness. The church must seek the simplicity of the serving Saviour and the spiritual vitality that comes thereby. C hapter S ix I T should be A continual marvel to our hearts when we consider what Christ has done for us. Think of His sinless life, miraculous deeds, His wonderful ministry and life, and His vicarious atonement. There is an in­ teresting verse in John 11:56, “Then sought they for Jesus, asking among themselves as they stood in the tem­ ple, What think ye, that he will not come to the feast?” Christ made amazing claims concerning His per­ son and work which we can’t ig­ nore. The Lord never leaves people or things alone until they become right. These things were never more true of Him than during the last weeks of His earthly ministry. Those who came to Jerusalem for the Passover were wondering what in the world was going to happen next. Christ sets people thinking, asking questions and anticipating ac­ tion. The Passover was the time of year when nationalistic f e e l i n g s among the Jewish people were at

their height. Deliverance from Egyp­ tian bondage was celebrated. This was all the more reason for rebellion against Rome. The time seemed ripe for the promised Messiah. They were anxious to know if Christ would come to the feast. The chief priests and the Pharisees had given orders that anyone knowing the where­ abouts of Jesus should make it known. They sought Him as a pris­ oner. Would He dare to come and clash with His enemies? Would He have the courage to continue His fearless ministry? They were sure if He did come, something was bound to happen. Every year, violence and bloodshed registered their hatred for this occupational force of Roman government. The people wanted to be free again. Time after time the ar­ dent Jewish p a t r i o t s had been crushed into helpless subjection. Christ came all right, deliberately presenting Himself as the Messiah. He appeared not in the manner of victorious kings of that day. He came exactly as the prophet of old had said he would; lowly, seated on a colt. The people waved palm branches in victory, shouting, “Hos­ anna, to the Son of David. Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord.” What a tremendous outburst of enthusiasm followed! The reli­ gious leaders were profoundly dis­ turbed. The people soon became dis­ appointed. They were ignorant of His real purpose in coming. They weren’t receiving Him for what He truly was. Their welcome was un­ founded. Their ardor withered more quickly than the palm branches in their hands. The people thought of a crown while Christ was thinking of a cross. They wanted an earthly king, but He was a spiritual king. They wanted someone to redeem an enslaved na­ tion. He had come to redeem en­ slaved souls. Jesus simply told them that His kingdom was not of this world. The people were unhappy that 19

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