June 11, 2020 Directors Report


June 11, 2020

Board Meeting Date:





Consent Agenda

Agenda Item:

Tennis Center & Sports Courts Beautification


Conceptual/Biddable Plans

Submitted By:

Ed Vitrano, General Manager

Date: June 5, 2020


As you authorized, I went back to Yul Roe, of Project Links, and had biddable plans put together so that Requests for Proposals (RFPs) can be sent out for both projects. Yul, Byron Jessie, ORPS Facility Manager, and I met at both areas to review the projects. Assuming your approval to proceed with the RFPs, which will include plant quantities, after reviewing the attached Plans/Scope of Work, I plan on having a bidders meeting, with Yul in attendance, to answer any questions to the project. Yul has provided qualified contracts capable of doing the work, and the list includes Vintage. I plan on asking for separate bids but expect that savings can be had if one contractor can do both projects. If the plan goes smoothly, Yul sees the projects completed by October 1. Obtaining bids does not mandate that either project will go forward. Tennis Center – Early estimate is around $60,000. After further review, we don’t see that the project can be done without the retaining wall due to the significant slope from the pool deck to the Tennis court complex. The only significant changes to the conceptual plan provided in March is that another set of stairs was added for quick access to the locker rooms/showers and capability for lighting, electrical and gas in the wall was added. Lastly, the wall will now be designed as an arc rather then square do make the transition more attractive. Sport Court Beautification – Early estimate was $11,000, now $30,000 due to significant cutting/removal of slope material. Frankly, even if the pet-relief rule is overturned, the area needs addressing/beautification due to removal/decay of plants over the years and maintenance difficulty of mowing such a small area on such a slope. Yul has assured that the project would fit nicely into the ORPS master landscape plan he has prepared.

Motion(s) for Consideration:

To approve the Conceptual Plans/Scope of Work and authorize solicitation of bids with RFPs.

Designated Funding:


Board Action:

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