Motion : To approve agenda with removal of items relating to Committees Policy and the Golf Charter. Motion passed unanimously C. Executive Session Actions – April 6, 11:30 AM • Legal Issues – Attorney advised how to handle pet rule petition and interpretation of Riverside County Health Department rules for Covid19.
• Contracts (No Discussion) • Personnel (No Discussion) • Member Discipline (No Discussion)
III. TREASURER’S REPORT & RATIFICATION Director Leahy stated that he had reviewed the financial reports for February and Director Farmer confirmed that he had also reviewed the reports. Motion by Director Leahy, Second by President Farmer Motion: To ratify review of the February financial reports conducted by Directors Leahy and Farmer. Motion passed unanimously. Director Leahy also mentioned that all the Resort’s funds are invested in Certificates of Deposit with no money invested in stock market instruments. IV. SECRETARY’S REPORT Director Renoe spoke in place of Director Barber on issues carried over from his tenure as Secretary. Stated after edicts from Riverside County, GM’s Out & About and President’s Message, many emails were received regarding clarification on the pandemic. Relayed that some would be put up on website FAQ’s. President Farmer mentioned that decisions were made and have been made in the best interest of the Resort and keeping everyone safe. Director Boudin mentioned and Director Renoe confirmed that most of the comments received have been 90% in favor of actions taken. President Farmer informed all that newest Health Dept. mandates and alerts are being monitored. V. GENERAL MANAGER’S REPORT GM Vitrano echoed President Farmer’s account of what is currently going on with the Resort and pandemic procedures required.
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