June 11, 2020 Directors Report

responsibility for generating language notice of ballot, and the Letter of Notice for ORPS approval. President Farmer went over the Pet Rule change put into place by the Board at the last meeting in March. We received petition from more than 5% of Owners which initiated the call for Special Election or Special Meeting of Owners. At least 50% + 1 (607) of the Owner’s ballots must be returned. And then the majority of those votes would have to be affirmative, 304 votes, to reverse the rule Board put into place in March. Owner comment was invited: Robin Paulsen, Lot 556 – Commented on the rule repeal petition cost for ballot measure to go to owners. Scott McDonald, Lot 1193 – Commented on several sections of the CC&R’s and pet relief area rule change, and whether or not the Resort is in compliance. Maryellen Muir, Lot 576 - Comments on pet relief area, vote to rescind, and associated costs. These two motions were condensed into the motion below. Motion by Director Leahy, Second by Director Renoe Motion : To approve at 10:00 a.m. on June 15, 2020 in the LP Ballroom (assuming the Covid-19 pandemic has passed) for a special meeting of Members for a vote on Pet Rule reversal, and to approve a contract in the amount not to exceed $6000 and engage The Inspectors of Election to be the inspector of election for the special meeting balloting on June 15, 2020. Motion passed unanimously X. DISCUSSION Creation of Development Fund (Working Capital) GM Vitrano spoke about creation of Development Fund and its purpose. Discussion – President Farmer explained in more detail the purpose and use of such a fund to support spending under a strategic plan. There was additional discussion by the Board and GM and a consensus was reached to proceed. GM Vitrano agreed to generate a policy addressing specifics at ORPS and forward to Finance Committee for finalization.

XI. OPEN FORUM Member Input Non-Agenda Items (limited to 3 minutes per speaker). Responses


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