The LegalTech Ecosystem in Wales


Lois Jones Madhura Bhandarkar Sergios Papastergiou Tom Freed Research Assistants, Legal Innovation Lab Wales


Stefano Barazza Academic Lead, Legal Innovation Lab Wales

The moral rights of the authors have been asserted. © Swansea University, 2023

The authors express their gratitude to Welsh Government, WEFO and Swansea University, for funding and supporting the Legal Innovation Lab Wales; Prof. Elwen Evans KC and Chris Marshall, for championing LegalTech at Swansea University with passion, vision and energy; Prof. Alison Perry, Prof. Ryan Murphy and Prof. Stuart Macdonald, for supporting the Legal Innovation Lab Wales during its funded phase; the Solicitors Regulation Authority and the Law Society, for their support, engagement and advice over the years; Emma Waddingham, Clive Thomas, Cerian Jones, Nick Rundle, Ieuan Leigh, and many other friends, for their invaluable support, unwavering enthusiasm and commitment to the future of the legal services sector in Wales. We also wish to thank the entire Legal Innovation Lab Wales team (past and present): Adam Whitter-Jones, Alaric Sheer Harwick, Alex Wing, Amara Finbarrs-Ezema, Annie Benzie, Ben Riseborough, Beth Eakins, Beth Rogers, Freya Michaud, Gareth Andrews, Ieuan Skinner, Judith Fasheun, Livio Robaldo, Oluwatoyosi Oyegoke, Phil Reynolds, Rey Sheer Hardwick, Tobias Sheer Hardwick, and our colleagues from CYTREC and the Law Clinic.


Legal Innovation Lab Wales - To contact the research team, please write to Stefano Barazza -


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