The LegalTech Ecosystem in Wales

the company’s identity verification technology, is set to enhance digital right-to-rent checks for British and Irish citizens. 240 Credas experienced rapid growth and success right from the start: [H]as the company’s growth matched your expectations? I think it's fair to say it's probably exceeded the initial expectations. And more recently, we're constantly a target really of private equity and people interested in acquiring us because of the strong growth […] Even though now we're quite mature, quite well established and have a revenue that's four or five million pounds, last year we still grew at 40% which is extraordinary and we're forecasted to double again over the next 24 months. 241 The scale-up was shortlisted for two awards at the Wales Technology Awards in 2018 242 , for the Innovation in Technology award at the Wales STEM Awards in 2020 243 , and for the Fintech Scale-up of the Year award at Fintech Awards Wales in 2022 244 , winning the Best Emerging Technology award at the Wales Online Digital Awards 2018 245 . Credas sponsors the Welsh Veterans Awards. 246 target new revenue streams and automate repetitive tasks 248 ”. Wyser follows public sector standards in its use of artificial intelligence and uses a variety of project management and collaborative methods to develop tailored solutions for its customers. 249 Recently, Wyser has partnered with Opencast to improve case allocation and reduce backlog within the Department for Business and Trade’s Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (Acas), utilising its 240 Goodlord Group, “Goodlord Group and Credas announce right-to-rent checks partnership” (25 May 2023), available at> 241 Ibid. 242 Credas, “Credas Shortlisted For Wales Technology Awards 2018” (4 April 2022), available at wales-technology-awards/. 243 Wales Stem Awards, “Shortlist announced for Wales Stem Awards” (9 March 2020), available at 244 Fintech Awards Wales, “2022 Awards, Shortlist and Winners” (6 October 2022), available at 245 Credas, “Credas wins “best emerging technology” at Wales Online Digital Awards” (11 June 2018), available at 246 The Veterans Awards, “The Welsh Veterans Awards - Rewarding Veterans In Business, Fitness, Sport And The Wider Community”, available at 247 See 248 Tech Nation, “Winners of Rising Star 4.0” (16 December 2021), available at regional-winners-of-rising-stars-4-0/. 249 Wyser, “Our Services, AI & Automation”, available at automation. Wyser 247 Established in 2020 by Mark Pearce and Jason Wheatley, Wyser uses artificial intelligence to “enable law firms and ADR providers to process case data accurately, improve caseload cost efficiency,


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