The LegalTech Ecosystem in Wales

DevOpsGroup (now part of Sourced Group) 279 DevOpsGroup (formerly DevOpsGuys) was founded in 2013 by James Smith and CPO Stephen Thair. Its ambitious operations, predicted to lead to “1900% growth in revenue by 2023 280 ”, focus on cloud computing and other bespoke solutions for Infrastructure as a Service capabilities. 281 Their services are also provided to law firms, including Capital Law in Wales. 282 DevOpsGroup won the 2018 Wales Dealmakers Awards Venture Capital Deal of the Year 283 for their collaboration deal of £3m with BFG 284 . The company also supported Wealthify as managers of cloud operations, “monitoring and optimising their cloud infrastructure 285 ”. In 2021, DevOpsGroup merged with Sourced Group, which now has an office in Cardiff. Founded in 2010 by Jon Spinks, Sourced Group started out in Australia and is now a consultancy with offices around the globe. It “provide[s] consulting services to migrate enterprise customers to hyperscale cloud providers 286 ”. Delio 287 Founded in 2015 by Gareth Lewis and David Newman, 288 Delio provides technology solutions “to power the private market strategies of the world’s most respected financial institutions and new entrants 289 ”. Its products support private investment at all stages, from transaction to regulatory reporting. In 2022, Delio secured $8.3m growth funding to connect private markets on a global scale. 290 279 Sourced Group, “Looking for DevOpsGroup?”, available at 280 Business Wales, “Start-up sensation targets 1900% growth in revenue by 2023”, available at 281 Ibid. 282 Rhys Gregory, “DevOpsGroup wins big at the 2018 Wales Dealmakers Awards” (Wales 247, 9 October 2018), available at 285 Sourced Group, “Cloud Operations Underpin Growth for Wealthify” (16 April 2019), available at 286 Sourced Group, “Timeline”, available at; Sourced Group, “About”, available at 287 See 288 Delio, “Team”, available at 289 Delio, “How Delio Helps”, available at 290 Delio, “Delio secures $ 8.3m growth funding to connect private markets on a global scale”, available at 283 Ibid. 284 Ibid.


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