aren’t giving any to anybody. We are on the suicide road. When Dr. Howard Kershner, head o f the Chris tian Freedom Foundation, was in London a year or two ago, a top official in the Communist govern ment said to him, “We’ll be over to finish the take over of America sooner than you think.” Says Dr. Kershner, “Note the words, ‘finish the take over’ . I came back to America with those words ringing in my ears, and I studied into the matter.” This Russian, who spoke to him, presides over a whole floor of a large government building in Moscow; 300 scholars work under his direction. They have all the important newspapers, journals, and books, published throughout the civilized world. They work on projects he assigns. Their reports become the basis of Soviet policy. Dr. Kershner said, “ I saw there every leading periodical and paper pub lished in America and other advanced countries.” At one point this Russian said to him, “You know as well as I that a mixed economy is not perma nent, and you have already mixed so much socialism with your formerly free economy that you cannot now avoid complete socialization. We do not have to urge you or fight you. We have only to sit here and wait until you voluntarily walk into our camp.” Said Mr. Kershner, “ I have said this myself on many occasions but I was surprised to see this Com munist leader accept the rapid socialization of America as indicating beyond doubt that we are headed toward Communism. He smiled at me self- assuredly as though he were perfectly confident that we were already in the trap.” D e a t h b y A c c id e n t There’s another way to die. Not only by insanity that leads to suicide, or by murder; you can die by accident. All is smiles and sunlight and happiness one moment and then a screeching of brakes and a grinding crash. Somebody is fatally or seriously in jured. How quickly it happens! Let us not think we have lots of time, because we don’t. Unexpect edly and suddenly, the death that we are now watching, will come to pass. Well, what can we do about all this? Must we just sit by with aching heart and sadness of soul and see a nation die? Let me suggest three possible courses of action. First, perhaps a deathly sick patient would be helped by a change of doctors. Unless we can get rid of the domination by the lib eral establishment of the present American political scene, we are doomed right now. We have men heading the delegations in the United Nations and elsewhere that have already made statements about internationalizing the Panama Canal and in ternationalizing this and neutralizing that and also who are for world government and the eventual giving up of our national sovereignty. Neutralize, internationalize, are despicable words. God is not
neutral and neither ought we to be. There’s an old Gospel hymn, the chorus of which says, “What will you do with Jesus? neutral you cannot be.” When righteousness is involved, nobody can be neutral, — men or nations. You can’t be neutral when human freedom is at stake. When the liberty to preach the Gospel to tribes and nations that have never heard is at stake, you can’t be neutral. Secondly, you can pray and hope for a miracle. I’ve seen people doing that, too. Brokenhearted loved ones by the sick bed say, “ 0 God, 0 God, give us a miracle.” That’s about what we need. Let’s not discount that. Let’s not say, ‘God is not in the mira cle business.’ Don’t you forget i t ! God has saved na tions by a remnant of praying, believing people. England was ready to go the way of the French revolution when John Wesley was raised up in the providence of God and he preached in the church yards, in the fields, and stood on the tombstones and preached the Gospel of Christ and transformed England, and saved i t ! Seek the face of God. There’s a third suggestion I would make. Some times people at the gates of death are helped by a blood transfusion. New life comes in and the color comes back into the cheeks and sometimes the re covery is complete. Because the only people in America today that have the blood, the life to give, are the people of God. New life must move from the donor into the sick one—at a cost to one but as a gift to the other! The new life comes. This is the need in America today — more Christian people who will say, “Lord Jesus Christ, I give myself to Thee, for what You can do with me, to somehow put new life in our nation. It’ll cost me something but I’m ready to pay! I am going to witness for Christ. I’m going to speak the Gospel. I’m going to live a consistent Christian life. I’m going to speak up for the things that are right. I’d like to see our spir itual sights be raised. If it takes a blood transfu sion from me to do it, Jesus Christ, here I am.” That’s what we need. God says, “ If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven, I will forgive their sins. I will heal their land.” It’ll be done only as we do what that early Christian church did. They had no boards behind them; they had no finances. They had no organization; they were just a group of peo ple, that went out one by one and taught and preached Jesus Christ. And beatings and jails and threats couldn’t shut them up. They were fools for Christ! They were radicals, they were fanatics, they were out o f step with the age. They were ultras and extremists! But they transformed the world and upset the things that plague us now. The rem edy is the same, — God’s people giving America a blood transfusion. We watch a nation die; God help us to renew its life !
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