King's Business - 1967-02

T h is is a g r e a t d a y for “ getting along.” I do * not mean “ getting on.” That is another mat­ ter. A generation of frantic go-getters, kept going by stimulants and rested by sedatives, madly races on trying to get rich, to be popular, to be success­ ful. Before the family hearth-fire one evening some­ one said, “ I hear that So-and-so is getting on in the world.” From her rocking-chair, Grandmother asked, “Which world?” Most o f our getting on these days is in the wrong world. I am thinking of another matter, however. It is a great day for getting along with everything and everybody. Of course, to a reasonable extent one must learn how to live and work with people, to adapt and adjust and make such concessions for the common good as will not violate principles. But we have gone far beyond that. To get on nowadays one must be diplomat and politician, an oily opportunist, changing color on every back­ ground, merging black and white into a smudge of indefinite gray, talking out of both sides of the mouth, being everything to everybody. That sort of “ getting along” is indispensable to “ get­ ting on” toward prosperity and success. The trouble today, however, is that we are getting along with the wrong things and not get­ ting along where we should. For one thing, THE FREE WORLD IS TRYING TO GET ALONG WITH COMMUNISM. We call it “ peaceful co­ existence” , a term invented by the Communists themselves. We might as well try to get along with smallpox. If a gang of outlaws broke out of prison and began to infiltrate our community, we would hardly try to arrange a conference with them to talk things over and iron out our differences. Com­ munism is a world-wide satanic conspiracy of or­ ganized lawlessness that abides by no rules but its own. By negotiating with them we recognize them and confer upon them a dignity and a status due only to decent people. Where no honor is in­ herent none should be conferred. We executed Hitler’s henchmen and put out Tojo ’s gang, but now we do business with an outfit even more no­ torious. The first awful blunder was made when we recognized Soviet Russia in 1933. Communism is a cancer on the body of humanity and we do not peacefully co-exist with cancer. Such a malig­ nancy should be isolated, outlawed and quarantined by all peace-loving peoples. Trying to get along with it is morally to sanction it. There is no way to peacefully co-exist with godless anarchy on the loose. We cannot reconcile the irreconcilable. No truce is possible. “There is no substitute for victory.” This business of getting along with the wrong thing shows up in the church today. Just as Com­ munism has infiltrated the free world and seeks to undermine and overthrow our government, just so has unbelief crept into the church. Satan works



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