and looters who exploit trouble spots and demonstrations for fear that the show of force would pro voke even more damage. There may be instances when this policy will ease the tension of the mo ment, but you can be assured that such a palliating practice, if con tinued, can only lead to greater grief and turmoil. Recent court decisions seem to place more emphasis on the con duct of the police officer than on the conduct of the criminal. The question of guilt is obscured and lost in a maze o f procrastinating technicalities and legal joustings. Many times, truth, which often exposes guilt, is only a secondary objective; the main search is for error or a technical loophole for the murderer or hoodlum. Crime rates in the United States will drop when the crimi nal is convinced that his arrest will be swift, his prosecution prompt, and his sentence substan tial. Is today’s criminal certain that all, or even one, of these con ditions exist? Certainly not. For example, a masked criminal re cently fled from a bank with sev eral thousand dollars but was quickly arrested by local police and the money recovered. Al though he admitted the crime and was indicted, all charges were dis missed on recommendations of parole officials. Consequently, to day’s criminal is convinced that an apathetic, uncooperative pub lic will delay his arrest; that new court decisions will postpone or prevent his prosecution; and that through unjustified leniency, his sentence will be negligible. And all the while, apologists under various professional disguises will relieve his conscience o f guilt and blame society for his actions. Crime and chaos in our land cannot be defeated by playing with naive theories o f penology, nor by feeble adherence to prin ciple and eye-closing cowardice. It is our heritage to stand erect, proud, and unafraid, not cower- Continued on page 27
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A decisive struggle is taking place r V l within tt^e Protestant Church in Russia II because of sellout of leaders to govern- merit. Tho some of its key men hrtve been imprisoned, a powerful, purifying countermovement is openly evangeliz ing (not underground), even Soviet youth converted. Help us evangelize and also
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