King's Business - 1967-02



THE FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT “ The fruit o f the Spirit is love . . (Galatians 5:22). I. FRU IT: THE METHOD OF CHRISTIANITY 1. You cannot produce fruit apart from life. a. The works of the flesh (vv. 19-21) spell death. b. The fruit is love, which springs out of life. 2. Neglect a tree and the fruit will degenerate. a. The vine in Isaiah 5:1-7 re­ fused to respond to the cul­ tivation of God and brought forth wild grapes. b. The branches in John 15 are pruned by the Father, that they may bring forth more fruit. 3. God hungers for your love. II. SPIRIT: THE DYNAMIC OF CHRISTIANITY 1. It is the Spirit who communi­ cates the life principle and cul­ tivates the life. 2. It is not my meditation or my determination, but the indwell­ ing Spirit who brings perfect harmony with God. 1. The last nine things listed all describe the first. “ The fruit of the Spirit is love: joy, peace, longsuffering. . . .” Take love away and you lose all the rest; have love, and you have the rest. 2. Joy is cheerfulness, insured only by love. 3. Peace means end of conflict, brought about by love. 4. Longsuffering means long-tem- peredness, the habit of love. 5. Gentleness means kindness and usefulness in service, the na­ ture of love. 6. Goodness is just goodness — created only by love. 7. Faith or faithfulness means staying at a thing, the outcome of love. 8. Meekness is the gentleness of real humility and love. 9. Temperance is self-control, mo­ tivated by love. 10. Thus, joy is love’s conscious­ ness, peace is love’s confidence, long-suffering is love’s habit, kindness is love’s activity, good­ ness is love’s quality, faithful­ ness is love’s quantity, meek­ ness is love’s tone, self-control is love’s victory. — G. Campbell Morgan III. LOVE: THE ISSUE OF THE CHRIST-LIFE


Sound educational meth­ ods to reach and involve pupils, to enable them to retell Bible -Stories at home for vital church-home link. 2.CORRELATION Every minute works to reinforce Christ-centered lesson aims, to implant the Word in impressionable hearts and minds. 3. COST (Savings) You get enough material for 10 days — yet it actually costs you LESS than most 5-day courses. And if your school is for 5 days, the extra material need not be wasted. You can use it for children’s church, mis­ sion schools — or in a number of ways. ... andfantasticnew TEACHINGAIDS

Overall Theme

GOD’S POWER FOR MY LIFE Departmental Themes: Nursery— JESUS, THE WONDERFUL SON OF GOD Beginner— WANTING TO PLEASE THE LORD Primary— GROWING AND DOING FOR JESUS Junior— FOLLOWING MY GUIDE Young Teen— ACCEPTING CHRIST'S CHALLENGE Older Teens and Adults— KNOW WHY YOU BELIEVE All new and as timely as atomic power . . . this dynamic course dramatically focuses on God's power for living todayl It is designed to arouse active curiosity concerning the Lord Jesus Christ.. .then satisfy it by presenting Him in a manner that appeals to children, youth, and adults, and leads them to seek a Person- to-person relationship. You’ll find teach­ ing simplicity, a powerful message, and delightful new materials in this new course, to make recruitment easier, teaching more rewarding, and results most gratifying. See for yourself. Mail coupon today!

Imaginative Teaching Aid Kits for each department with delightful, corre­ lated visuals to make this the freshest VBS ever!


SEE YOUR CHRISTIAN BOOKSTORE or mail Coupon today! 2. Special Introductory Record featuring Word Record muscians: the Korean Orphans Choir, Frank Boggs, Bill Pearce and Dick Anthony. Highlights of the all-new ’67 course, "God’s Power for My Life," featured on side 1. $ A 50 on'y ‘ ♦complete kit 1. Reusable attaché case, simulated leather! Teach­ ers’ and pupils’ materials for Nursery through Young Teen, new publicity aids, 16-page planning and ordering guide, 1967 VBS Leaders’ Handbook (48 pages) . . . plus


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