(Continued from page 21) ing before any master nor bend ing to any threat — a Nation where freedom, equality, and jus tice are attainable conditions, not hollow phrases. The height of human dignity is reached by free men deliberately choosing their destiny, humbly mindful of their obligations to their Creator and their fellow man. We have the facts on which to make a choice. The facts are on our streets and in our courtrooms, in front o f our eyes in every me tropolis and hamlet. And a right and rational choice must be made, or we shall consign to oblivion the most cherished hopes and aspira tions ever conceived for freedom in the history of mankind. As Ed mund Burke stated, “The only thing necessary for the triumph o f evil is for good men to do nothing.” I sincerely believe: That we must reawaken in every citizen a fierce devotion to supremacy of law and equal justice; That we must forever re nounce the idiocy that asso ciates glamour and heroism with lawbreakers; That all criminals must be brought to the bar of justice for realistic handling, not merely maudlin sympathy; That means must be provided to defeat the enemies within our borders who are puppets of enemies from without; That we must insure by every lawful means that differences are resolved in the courtroom, not in the street; That we must adamantly insist that each individual is held re sponsible for the natural and probable consequences. Let the hoodlum, the racist, the demagogue, and the exponent of anarchy know that the great, quiet power of this Nation lies in her law-abiding citizens, and they will stomach no more. The choice is ours. The time is now.
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