King's Business - 1967-02

the trend of the day toward Biblical criticism. In this way his life has a striking parallel to the events of this present age. The author, who was a close friend of the preacher, com­ pleted the biography a little more than 2% decades after Spurgeon’s death. It is a part of the publisher’s “Tyndale Series” of great biogra­ phies. — 283 pages; cloth; Moody Press; Chicago, 111.; $4.95. Pioneers in Mission Edited by R. Pierce Beaver This is not a history of missions in the ordinary sense but something more basic which will be appreciated by all students of missions originat­ ing in America. It is an interesting phenomenon that in both Britain and America the bulk of missionary literature in the late 18th and early 19th centuries was in the form of sermons, particularly ordination ser­ mons for missionaries and sermons on the occasion of the mission­ ary’s leaving for the field. The editor has compiled some of the significant ones, combining them with a brief history of the mission, the mission­ ary, and in some cases additional material. Some of the early mission­ aries were Stephen Parker, Johan Sergeant, David Brainerd, Stephen

book reviews by Arnold D. Ehlert, Librarian, Biola College

A particularly meaningful chapter is the one originally written for the Gideons, entitled, “ How to Make Spiritual Progress.” 174 pages; Christian Publications, Harrisburg, Pa.; cloth $3.00; paper $1.50. Charles Haddon Spurgeon by W. Y. Fullerton This biography of England’s nine­ teenth century preacher of preach­ ers tells of a man not only of tre­ mendous physical energy but also of earnest dedication to the service of Christ. His ordinary day consisted of at least eighteen hours. Although he had never attended a theological school, he published more than 3,500 sermons, as well as editing a month­ ly magazine and promoting wide literature distribution. An ardent evangelical, Dr. Spurgeon deplored

Man, the Dwelling Place of God By A. W. Tozer For the most part a compilation of various editorials and articles which appeared in The Alliance Wit­ ness of which Dr. Tozer was editor for thirteen years, this volume con­ tains outstanding devotional mate­ rial for which this gifted author was well known. The entries are brief, concise, independent of each other, and of excellent spiritual and lit­ erary quality. That the subjects of this book are not routine is evidenced by such in­ triguing chapter titles as “What We Think of Ourselves Is Important” ; “ Fa ith , the Misunderstood D oc­ trine” ; “ The Sanctification of the Secular” ; “Boasting or Belittling” ; “On Breeding Spotted Mice” ; “ Reli­ gious Boredom” ; “A Do It Yourself Education Is Better Than None.”

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