King's Business - 1967-02


Badger, Samson Occum, and Joseph Bullen. Brevity was not a character­ istic of these sermons. The one on the occasion of the ordination of Parker, Hinsdell and Seccombe at Boston, December 12, 1733, consists of thirty pages in the book, and the charges take eight and a half more. An extensive bibliography and index make the work a “must” for any col­ lection of missionary literature. The compiler is Professor of Missions at the University of Chicago Divinity School. — vi, 291 pages; cloth; Wil­ liam B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., Grand Rapids; $6.95. Some of the most distinctive and practical writing in our times has been prepared by this distinguished Bible teacher. Through the years he has been used of the Lord to give clear-cut messages on the relation­ ship of the believer to the things of God’s Word. Dr. Gutzke speaks on the daily broadcasts of “ The Bible For You.” Recently he retired from the faculty of Columbia Theological Seminary in D ecatur, Georgia. While he discusses some of the most profound problems of theology, he brings them down to the level of the layman, giving definitions which are in non-technical terminology. Ideas are expressed in Biblical language, while at the same time the style is relevant to the concepts of our day. His chapter titles give evidence of this fact: “ The Baby That Shook the World.” “Measuring Up to God’s Yardstick,” “The Pretenders Are Exposed,” “The Greatest Trial in History,” etc. — 245 pages; cloth; Zondervan Pub. House, Grand Rap­ ids, Mich.; $3.95. The Biblical World (A Dictionary of Biblical Archaelogy) Edited by Charles F. Pfeiffer Consulting Editors: E. Leslie Carlson Claud F. A. Schaeffer J. A. Thompson Every Bible student will be in­ tensely interested in this pictorial dictionary which serves to inform as well as to educate. Photographs abound a long with illustrations. Formerly professor of Old Testa­ ment at Gordon Divinity School, Dr. Pfeiffer is now associate professor of ancient literatures at Central Michigan University. He is author of Baker’s Bible Atlas which has been used widely as a text. The works of more than 40 different con­ tributors and specialists appear in the large volume.—612 pages; cloth; Plain Talk On Matthew By Manford George Gutzke

Rev. Richard DeHaan Teacher Radio Bible Class

1832, was defeated for the Legisla­ ture in the same year, failed in business in 1833, and had a ner­ vous breakdown in 1836. When he ran for Speaker in 1838 he was de­ feated. He also lost renomination to Congress in 1848, was rejected for Land Officer in 1849, and was defeated for the Senate in 1854. Still he battled on courageously. Two years later he lost out on the nomination for Vice President, and was again defeated for the Senate in 1858; yet, despite it all, he was elected President in 1860! As Chief Executive he looked to the Lord for guidance and once said: “God selects His own instru­ ments, and sometimes they are queer ones; for instance, He chose me to steer the ship through a great crisis . . . and with His help I shall not fa il!” Perhaps the keynote of Lincoln’s life is sounded in his own words : “ I am not bound to win, but I am bound to be true. I am not bound to succeed, but I am bound to live up to what light I have!”

LINCOLN TOOK TIME FOR DEVOTIONS: As a boy the only book he owned was a much-worn, well-studied Bi­ ble. His devoted m other early taught him the precepts of God’s Word. As President, the Bible was on his desk; and before each day began, many moments were set aside for special Bible reading and prayer (usually on his knees). LINCOLN SOUGHT TO LIVE HONESTLY IN THIS PRESENT WORLD: As a storekeeper he once over­ charged a lad six cents, and walked many miles to refund the money. Al­ though he borrowed many books, he always returned them. His business once failed because his associate ran off with the assets, yet Lincoln spent seventeen years in paying off the debts of his partner. At the age of 22 he was already called by many: “ Honest Abe.” LINCOLN WAS NOT SOON DISCOURAGED: For 28 years his life seemed to be plagued by one failure after an­ other; yet he went bravely on to­ ward his goal. He lost his job in THE RAD IO BIBLE CLASS BROADCAS T , w ith Richard DeHaan, is heard on over 600 radio stations around the world. Make listening a "must" for the most profitable half hour of your week. Ask for FREE Program Log showing where RADIO BIBLE CLASS is heard. $1600 CONTEST for WRtTC OF UNPUBLISHED MANUSCRIPTS. Send for contest rules and free Brochure on publishing your book. Dept. KB Pageant Press, 101 Fifth Avenue, New York 3

The above selected from the daily devotional guide, OUR DAILY BREAD, as written by Richard DeHaan, Henry Bosch, and the late Dr. M. R. DeHoan, is published monthly by RADIO BIBLE CLASS. OUR DAILY BREAD presents interesting meditations, poems, and a thought for every day of the month. Your copy iswaiting for you— FRE and POSTPAID— and is yours just for the asking.


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