Dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home T h e K i n g © B u s i n e s s A PUBLICATION OF BIOLA SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES Leult T. Talbot, Chancellor • S. H. Sutherland, President • Ray A. Myers, Board Chairman Vol. 58, No. 2 • FEBRUARY, in the year of our Lord 1967 • Established 1910 A r t i c le s WATCHING A NATION DIE — Bruce W. Dunn ............................... 10 HOW ARE YOU GETTING ALONG? — Vance Havner ................... 13 FOREIGN MISSIONS ON THE HOME FRONT — Edna Alger Gall .. 16 MEDIEVAL CHURCH HISTORY — James H. Christian ................... 17 DO YOU HEAR THE SERMON? — Richard Ruble ............................. 18 AMERICA'S DECLINING MORAL STANDARDS — J. Edgar Hoover 20 32 WAYS TO HELP IMPROVE YOUR SUNDAY SCHOOL — Mavis L. Weidman ............................................................................ 34 A STATEMENT TO SUBSCRIBERS .......................................................... 36 THE RHINO HAD NO EARS — Edward H. Arensen .......................... 39 ADOPTED GRANDMOTHER IN KOREA — Helen Emley Schmidt .. 40 IF I WERE THE DEVIL — Paul Harvey ................................................... 42 MESSAGE FROM THE EDITOR — Samuel H. Sutherland ................... 8 DR. TALBOT'S QUESTION BOX — Louis T. Talbot .......................... 24 TALKING IT OVER — Clyde M. Narramore ......................................... 26 BOOK REVIEWS — Arnold D. Ehlert ..................................................... 28 SCIENCE AND THE BIBLE — Bolton Davidheiser ............................. 31 OVER A CUP OF COFFEE — Joyce Landorf ....................................... 32 JUNIOR KING'S BUSINESS ......................................................................... 52 C o l u m n s READER REACTION ........................................................................................ 4 PEOPLE IN THE NEWS .......... ..................................................................... 5 PRESENTING THE MESSAGE ..................................... .............................. 25 C o v e r Sunset on the coast, just north of Jenner, California. Photo by Robert F. Campbell. — A ll R ig h ts R e s e rv e d —
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S. H. SUTHERLAND: Editor AL SANDERS: Managing Editor BETTY BRUECHERT: Copy Editor
JANE M. CLARK: Circulation Manager
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BILL EHMANN: Coordinator EDITORIAL BOARD: William Bynum, Bolton Davidheiser, Arnold D. Ehlert, Charles L. Feinberg, James O. Henry, Martha b. Hooker MEMBER E P 3 EVANGELICAL PRESS A SSO CIATIO N
ADVERTISING — for information address the Advertising Manager, The King's Business, 13800 Biola Ave., La Mirada, California 90638. MANUSCRIPTS — "The King's Business" cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed to us for consideration. Second-class postage paid in La Mirada, Calif. Additional entry offices in Los Angeles, California. Printed in U.S.A. by Church Press, Glendale, California. ADDRESS: The King's Business, 13800 Biola Ave., La Mirada, California 90638.
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