Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $8.95. BOOK ENDS (A Review of Current Publications) LAST DAYS ON THE NILE by Malcom Fors- berg. 215 pages; cloth; J. B. Lippincott Co., Philadelphia, Pa.; $3.95. The author, who has served Christ for more than three decades on the continent of Africa, was expelled first from Ethiopia by Italian fascists in 1937. The book re veals the tremendous challenge which is facing Christian missions today, not only in Africa but also across the entire tumultuous world. The vol ume deals with the days of political and ideo logical deadlock which brought a crushing and heart-breaking end to one of the most flour ishing missions. Dr. Forsberg is now in charge of applicant screening jn the United States for the Sudan Interior Mission. ROSELL'S COMPLETE LESSONS, 1967, edited by Brooks Ramsey. 317 pages; cloth: Zonder- van Publishing House, érand Rapids; $2.95. PELOUBET'S SELECTED NOTES, 1967, edited by Wilbur M. Smith, x, 436 pages; cloth; W. A. Wilde Co., Natick, Mass.; $3.25. Two of the standard commentaries on the international uni form series on the Sunday school lessons. EDITORIAL (continued from page 9) gifts in sufficient amounts to affect sufficiently the income of the Pres byterian Church; then the commit tee will have rendered an invaluable service to the cause of Christ. Per haps it should be noted also that the history of such movements is rather disappointing. The editor well re members that back in the early 1930’s, an organization known as the League of Faith was formed. It started out with the same high and holy purposes, but alas, it came to naught because the members became weary in well-doing, and, one by one, dropped by the wayside. The late Harry Rimmer made a wise obser vation to the members of this League of Faith in Southern California, stating that he was not going to join the organization at that particular time until he saw how effective it was going to become, because he realized that other organizations of a similar nature had been formed only to fail, because men were not of sufficiently strong conviction to carry on until the battle was won. With past history as a warning, it is to be hoped that this new organi zation will be made up of men who will stand fast in the faith and who remain sufficiently determined to see the battle through to a successful conclusion. The advocates of a social Gospel are well-entrenched in the de nomination. If anyone dares to raise a voice against these trends in the denomination, he is literally howled down; if he persists, he is promptly “ ridden out” of the denomination. This is a call for Presbyterian lay men who love the truth as it is in Christ Jesus to unite and move ahead under the banner of the cross. They deserve the prayers of all Bible-be- lieving Christians and could well serve as an example for laymen of other denominations.
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