King's Business - 1967-02

Science and the Bible by Bolton Davidheiser, Ph.D.


T en years ago Professor H. J. Muller, noted geneticist and No­ bel Prize winner of Indiana Uni­ versity, complained that evolution “ is given scant and usually skeptical at­ tention in grade schools and even in most high schools.” He expressed the opinion that if this situation is not changed so that evolution forms an integral, fundamental part of the average American’s way of think­ ing and outlook on life, then “we only deserve the fate of sheep, which a sheep-like behavior will bring.” In his opinion we can maintain our position as the dominant species of the earth only if we keep a care­ ful watch over other living things and control long-term processes which tend to bring about changes in other creatures and in ourselves. He believes that in order to do this we must understand the mechanism of evolution. But for centuries even the wisest men knew nothing about the mechanism of evolution and most of them did not even believe in evo­ lution. It does not seem to follow that suddenly it is so very important for everyone to have an evolutionary view of life in order to keep other species from ga in in g superiority over us. However, much progress has been made toward the teaching of evolution as a fact in the grade schools, and Professor Muller and those who agree with him for what­ ever reasons they may have should now be pleased. A fourth-grade tex tbook (The Macmillan Science-Life Series, Book 4, Revised edition), recently in use in California public schools, con­ tains the following: “ Scientists be­ lieve that the first animals on earth were one-celled animals, like the ameba. From these all other kinds of animals have developed. The new­ est animals are human beings.” In the science series which has been adopted for use starting next year (Concepts in Science), the transition is being made from the use of the words change and develop, meaning evolve, to the direct use of the words evolve and evolution. Parts of the teacher’s editions for the first grade and the fifth grade texts are identical. The teachers are told, “ Living things are in constan t change. The universe changes; the

earth changes; the single organism and the species change over the ages. The concepts of adaptation over the ages, divergence in form, converg­ ence is geographical isolations, and evolution are within the purview of this conceptual scheme. . . .” There is a point in the fifth-grade text where the teacher is told, “ You may recognize that the term change, which is used in discussing the de­ velopment of living things, means that more complex organisms have evolved from simpler organisms dur­ ing the two-or-more billions of years of life on earth. Our present-day biological forms have evolved be­ cause of their ability to survive in changing environments. The me­ chanisms of biological evolution are based in complex understandings of the interaction of heredity and en­ vironment. Why any organism exists today — why we exist — is rooted in many biological changes and adapta­ tions. If this understanding is firm­ ly grasped, the use of the term evo­ lution may have value at this point in the child’s development.” The term change is repeated with a regularity that suggests “ brain­ washing.” It is used 30 times on one page of the teacher’s edition of the first-grade book. The fifth-grade stu­ dents are told three times in 27 pages that the higher forms of life came from the one-celled forms. The children are told that the earliest fish may have had skeletons of cartilage. They are then told that sharks have skeletons of cartilage and cod have skeletons of bone. They are then asked to think which came earlier, sharks or cod-like fish. They are given a hint: in an individual’s development, cartilage develops first and later it becomes bone. From this information they are expected to con­ clude that sharks evolved first. But there are at least three th ings wrong: cartilage does not become bone (it is replaced by bone), the evolutionists no longer believe that sharks evolved before bony fish, and the idea that individual development shows the order of evolutionary de­ velopment has been found to be so inconsistent that it has been aban­ doned by outstanding evolutionists. There are also other mistakes and inconsistencies which an ed ito r might have noticed.

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