members. 21. Evaluate and improve the ministry of the home department. Is it being used as a means of outreach? 22. Evaluate and improve the visitation program of the home department. 23. Evaluate the annual at tendance increase for the Sunday school. How much has your at tendance increased during the past year? the past five years? 24. Evaluate and set a goal for attendance increase. Is it a feasi ble goal? 25. Evaluate and im p rove plans for reaching your goal. Do you have a plan for interesting and challenging both teachers and students to do their part? 26. Evaluate and improve li brary materials for workers. Are new books constantly added? Are they used? 27. Evaluate the use of the Sunday school curriculum. Do workers understand its correla tion with the total Christian edu cation program of the church? 28. Evaluate and improve the missionary education program. Are students becoming more aware of missions, especially the work of Alliance missions ? 9. Evaluate the departmental missionary emphasis. Give guid ance to the department superin tendents concerning this. 30. Evaluate Sunday school teaching on stewardship and serv ice. Are students being taught their responsibility to serve and given opportunities to do so? 31. Evaluate the general Sun day school program. Is it interest ing and challenging enough to keep the students coming regular ly? Does it meet their needs, lead them to Christ and aid them in spiritual growth? 32. Evaluate the prayer sup port of the Sunday school. Is there a strong prayer fellowship, both in the Sunday school staff and throughout the Sunday school membership ? —Courtesy Alliance Witness
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