ilokttitii While visiting or living in Los Angeles, plan to stay at BIOLA HOTEL. Clean, comfort able, convenient. Reasonable rates by day- week or month. Dining Room. Next to the historic Church of the Open Door and the Central Los Angeles Public Library. Operated as a public service by the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. RATES ON ROOMS Without Both SINGLES DOUBLE Twin Beds Day S 2.00 S 2.S0 S 3.50 Week 11.00 13.50 18.50 Month 42.50 52.50 57.50 With Both SIN6LE DOUBLE $ 3.50 5 5.00 22.00 31.00 67.50 77.50 Week Month
A STATEMENT TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS Because of the many ques tions and numerous problems which have arisen, The King's Business has adopted a policy of not carrying any further ad vertisemen ts for insurance companies. This is not to infer that all such firms are to be questioned in their practices and ethics. Because of the many varied cases of i l l nesses and a f f lic t io n s , The King's Business and its parent corporation, Biola Schools and Colleges, do not want to be placed in the position of rec ommending any specific firms. For this reason we have denied for the past several years, and shall continue to refuse all ad vertising by such firms. We believe that you trust the advertisements which ap pear on our pages. For this rea son we feel we must take ut most care in those which we accept. This is despite the fact that such a policy has resulted in several thousand dollars in lost revenue. We wanted to make a statement of this con tinuing policy for the interest of our readers. MY CONFESSION I'm not the saint folks think I am, I might as well confess; There're many times I'm so ashamed Of my unworthiness. I wish I were a perfect man, And had no faults or sin, And be like other saints I hear Who all the vict'ries win. And yet I wonder if it's true, When God looks from above, If He can find one saint on earth Without one sin— to love. Or, are most people just like me And need a lot of grace, And need forgiveness every time When they would seek His face? I think if we were honest folks, We might as well confess There're many times we're all ashamed Of our unworthiness. And when we stand before His face, I'm sure we all will say, "We're not the saints folks think we are; Forgive us, Lord, we pray." — Walt Huntley
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¿jjWBffl&faboiigai m i s write or telephone for reservations 536 So. Hope Street Los Angeles, Calif. 90017 MAdison 7-9941 DAVE M. HARWELL, Manager
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