King's Business - 1967-02

Europe and the Holy Land

KB FOR SERVICEMEN Please renew my subscription for an­ other year. THE KING’S BUSINESS MAGAZINE has been a help to me in many ways this past year. I am sending some o f my back issues to my son aboard a destroyer in the South China Seas. It is my prayer that he and others that might read them will come to know Christ as their Sav­ iour. Phyllis Straub, Hayward, California ENJOY EDITORIALS Some magazines come to our home which are seldom read during months when we are particularly busy. Not so with THE KING’S BUSINESS! No matter how busy I am, I take time to sit down and devour it from cover to cover. What a wealth of spiritual up­ lift it brings! I always look forward to your edi­ torials, particularly. This month [De­ cember] the article by Dr. Vance Hav- ner was so very timely for Christians today, I just had to let you know how much I appreciate all of you at Biola and the way God is using you. Mrs. Willa Johnson, Garden Grove, California KB'S IN WEST AFRICA I am happy to report that many of our people subscribe to THE KING’S BUSINESS and, after they have read them with all the excellent articles printed therein, we collect them and send them to our missionary stations in Cameroons, West Africa, where read­ ing material is at a premium. Our missionaries distribute one page at a time to the students in the second­ ary schools and seminaries, and the young people guard each article with their lives! We also send other booklets and magazines but some of the best com­ ments have come to us concerning the KING’S BUSINESS. Rev. Kenneth L. Fischer, Pastor, Magnolia Baptist Church, Anaheim, California E d it o r ’ s N o t e : The KING’S BUSI­ NESS has a limited number of compli­ mentary subscriptions fo r churches. Pastors who are interested are invited to write and inquire concerning the possibility o f receiving one o f these subscriptions fo r your church. THE KING’S BUSINESS can also be re­ ceived by a church through the “ bun­ dle plan.” Considerable savings are possible through this plan. We invite you to write about this.

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Great Britain, France,

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Switzerland, Italy, Greece,

Egypt, Lebanon, Israel

Never-fo-be-forgotten is this out­ standing tour sponsored by Biola. Teacher will be Dr. Charles L. Feinberg, with hosts Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland and Mr. Al Sanders. Low cost of only SI095.00 from New York includes plete 21 days. Evangelical empha­ sis for the entire family.

all expenses for com­

JUNE 5-26, 1967

Write for free brochure BIOLA TOURS

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13800 Biola Ave. La Mirada, Calif.


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