King's Business - 1967-02

a message from the editor ^

MOODY’S SCOFIELD B IBLE CORRESPONDENCE COURSE PROVEN B IB L E S T U D Y Gives you a comprehensive knowledge of entire Bible . . . modem learning tech­ niques in adult study. Ten college cred­ its. Certificate awarded. Over 30,000 have enrolled in Scofield course. 123 lessons in 6 cloth-bound textbooks. Please send me: □ Illustrated folder de­ scribing Scofield course. □ Catalog of 41 other courses. Name. Address Citv ----- Zone ----- State Moody Correspondence School 2KS7 820 N. LaSalle Street, Chicago 10, III. LUXURY 15 DAY Holy Land Tours All Expenses $761 from New York Air fare subject to gov't approval SCHEDULED JET DEPARTURES 7 DAY EUROPEAN EXTENSIONS AVAILABLE "See the stories of the Bible unfold before your eyes." W rite- CHRISTIAN TOURS Box 985, Wheaton, Illinois 60187

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|T is a l w a y s refreshing when one can read something o f an en­ couraging nature in connection with the religious situation which we find in the land today. Recently a newsletter entitled The Restorer has come to the desk o f the editor. It is a publica­ tion o f the organization known as "Presbyterian Lay Committee, Inc.” This first newsletter describes the nature o f the organiza­ tion and the purposes for which it was formed. It is made up o f a "band o f civic leaders long active in the United Presbyterian Church. Most are ruling elders.” The goal o f this committee is set forth to return the church, if God so ordains, from what appears to us to be a growing quest for secular power to its true mission o f preaching redemption. W e seek to enlist the help o f all who share our concern and who are willing to work inside their own churches to this holy end.” The five basic objectives are set forth as follows: " ( 1 ) To enlarge the emphasis on the teaching o f the Bible as the authoritative Word o f God in our seminaries and churches. (2 ) To urge the need for preaching the Gospel o f redemption with evangelical zeal and for regular Bible study and prayer. (3 ) T o encourage ministers and laymen alike, as led by the Ho ly Spirit, to become involved in the social, economic, and political problems o f our time and to assert their position publicly as Christian citizens on all such matters. (4 ) To discourage public pronouncements by the church as a cor­ porate body on political, social, and economic issues. (5 ) To pro­ vide an adequate and reliable source o f information for laymen on the issues being proposed for consideration at the General Assembly and other Judicatories in order to enable laymen to express an informal opinion.” This laymen’s organization recog­ nizes that "teachers in some United Presbyterian seminaries and preachers in some Presbyterian pulpits diminish the Bible by treat­ ing it as the imperfect work o f imperfect men. They dispute its divine inspiration; thus they throw doubt on the whole o f the Scripture including the virgin birth, the life, and even the exist­ ence o f Christ, the crucifixion and the resurrection. . . . W e be- THE KING'S BUSINESS

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For information about our work in Canada, the U.S., and in Mexico^— through out-sta- tions, camps, 'schools, radios, etc.— write to: Dr. David H. Clark UNITED INDIAN MISSIONS, INC. P.O. Box U Flagstaff, Arizona 86022

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