lieve the Bible must be restored to its place as the authoritative and infallible Word o f God.” The Lay Committee is "concerned by growing pressures on the church to act as a corporate body in efforts to influence government and people in economic, social, and political affairs instead o f first converting men to Christian ity and then encouraging those men to fill their individual roles as Christians in civic affairs.” The committee further recognizes that "A church which conceives its mission as simply to improve the physical lack o f natural man abandons its primary mission to wit ness for God.” Headquarters are Presbyterian Lay Committee, Inc., Suite 1404, 200 5th Avenue, New York, N.Y., 10010. One may not agree whole-heartedly with all o f the objectives and /or purposes o f the organization, but it is encouraging to real ize that there is a group o f men who are sufficiently aware, alert, and concerned about the trends in the great Presbyterian church to do something about it in an organized manner. W e believe they deserve every encouragement. The Presbyterian Church through the centuries has wielded a most significant influence in the Christian life o f the English-speaking world and indeed in the great foreign missions programs throughout the entire world. It is tragic beyond words that the influence o f this Church should be so diverted and diluted today that its influence is being felt less and less in the area o f true evangelistic and evangelical circles. Instead, its influence is being more and more felt in social, politi cal, and civil areas o f our beloved land. It is the abiding convic tion o f many, many people that this great denomination has been taken over by those who are not true Presbyterians in their doctrines or convictions, and, what is vastly worse, are not true Christians in their doctrines or convictions. Instead, they are be traying the very cause o f Christ and the high and holy calling wherewith they were originally called and have stooped to posi tions o f vastly lesser significance, spending time in promoting causes and programs which are comparatively quite unimportant and relatively insignificant. It is good to try to help in the better ment o f social and economic conditions o f underprivileged peo ple, but it is also possible for the good to become the enemy o f the best. There are many organizations engaged in social service which are designed to carry on this sort o f a program. There is only one organization that has been commissioned to proclaim the everlasting Gospel that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that He was buried and arose again on the third day according to the Scriptures, and that all who put their trust in H im might not perish but have everlasting life. This is the job that the church has been called upon to perform, and anything less than this is prostituting the work o f the Gospel. It is tragic beyond words. I f the Presbyterian Lay Committee is able to enlist a suffi cient number o f enlightened laymen who unitedly will demand a cleaning-up o f the denominational seminaries and a weeding-out o f unfaithful ministers o f the Gospel; who will withhold their (continued on page 30)
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