June 2021 CMDA Handshake Newsletter

Words From Our Executive Director

Members and Stakeholders of the Chrysler Minority Dealers Association,

I am so glad that the winds of Summer are starting to blow again. It is my favorite time of year. I am even more pleased that the winds of change are starting to blow away many of the negatives that this COVID situation has brought us over the last 15 months or so.

People are starting to get back out again and interact with one another in various ways like we used to do in “the good old days” before 2020.

We at the Association want to interact with you as well. That’s why we invite you to attend our 2021 Summer Membership Meeting that we will be having in September.

We miss all of you and look forward to spending some time with you and catching up on your professional and personal endeavors.

We are a family and this year our 2021 Summer Meeting will be like our family reunion. So please join the family this year as we gather together and share in each others company.

We would love to have you!

Sincerely, Mitch Mitchell Mitch Mitchell CMDA Executive Director emitchell@chryslerminoritydealers.org


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