King's Business - 1959-03


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W H E A T O N A N N U I T I E S , M A D E S I N C E 1898, H A V E N ’T M I S S E D A S I N G L E P A Y M E N T

IS ANSWERING PRAYER Continue To Pray For Australia Billy Graham And Team

D r . W il b u r M . S m it h , P r o fe s s o r o f E n g l is h B ib l e FULLER T H E O L O G IC A L SEM IN AR Y, PA SA D E N A , CALIF.

"Billy Graham, without any question, has been used of God to bring more people into a believing relationship with Jesus Christ as Saviour than any other man of this generation, or any man of his age in modern times. All who fervently believe in the proclamation of the gospel which this man boldly and constantly preaches should daily be able to say what our Lord said to Simon Peter, " I have prayed for thee." Dr. Graham has repeatedly said that it was the prayers of God's people that made the New York and San Francisco campaigns so effective. As we earnestly prayed for his ministry in the cities of our own land, let us be equally faithful in praying for the forthcoming campaign in a land most of us will probably never see, but which needs the same gospel by which alone men are delivered from the power of sin and the fear of death, and become the children of God. We are not wit­ nessing a genuine revival on earth today. If God willed, one


could be kindled in Australia. D r . A l a n R e d p a t h , p a s to r THE MOODY CHU R C H , CH IC A GO , ILLINOIS

"Paul was able to say to the church at Ephesus that he had not shunned to declare the whole counsel of God. I believe this to be true of Dr. Billy Graham in this day and generation. Such a

man is, therefore, subject to intense Satanic attack which is only fought back and driven off by militant, believing prayer. For this reason alone (as well as for many others which I would be happy to give had I space) the testimony of Billy Graham as well as his life and ministry are the subject of prayer not only for myself personally, but of the church of which it is my privilege to be pastor. ON TELEVISION A U S T R A L IA N C R U S A D E A B C -TV N ETW O RK beginning SAT ., FEB. 28th FOR T IM E & CHANNEL CONSULT LOCAL TV SCHEDULES


THE KING’S BUSINESS A publication of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. Louis T. Talbot, Chancellor S. H. Sutherland, President •

IN SO U T H E R N C A L IF O R N IA ATTEND BIOLA Rallies (Sponsored by the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc.) D O W N T O W N Church of the Open Door 6 th and Hope Sts., Auditorium March 1st Dr. W A LT E R PENNER presenting N A E Welfare Program March 8th M U S IC A L CONCERT featuring The Multnomah School of the Bible Choir — In Two Locations —

Ray A. Myers, Chairman of the Board

MARCH, in the year of our Saviour Nineteen Hundred and Fifty-Nine

Vol. 50, No. 3

Established 1910

Dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home

Articles THE M EAN ING OF CALVARY — Merv Rosell ...................... 8 THE ONLY CHR IST IAN NAT ION — Vance Havner ................... 10 H IGHWAY SAM AR ITAN S ............................................. 12 THE WORD OF TRIUMPH — Arthur B. Whiting ................... ...... 14 THE VISION THAT MADE BIOLA G R EA T— Betty Bruechert .... 16 A JEW FINDS THE MESSIAH — Daniel Rose .......................... 21 PROPHECY — W H Y STUDY IT? — Lehman Strauss .......... ....... 24 THE GLADDEST N EW S— Louis T. Talbot ................................ 29 YE HAVE DONE IT UNTO ME ................................................ 36 BEFORE A N D AFTER MARR IAGE — M. R. DeHaan ................... 50 HOW GOD TAUGHT ME TO GIVE — Oswald J. Smith ....... ...... 57 Features PERSONAL EVANGELISM — Benjamin Weiss ............................ 27 TALKING IT OVER — Clyde Narramore ................................... 28 JUNIOR K ING 'S BUSINESS — Martha S. Hooker ....................... 32 A LUM N I N EW S— Inez McGahey ............................................ 37 DR. TALBOT'S QUESTION BOX — Louis T. Talbot ................. .... 38 SCIENCE A N D THE BIBLE — Bolton Davidheiser ....................... 39 BOOK REVIEWS — Arnold Ehlert ................................... 40 UNDER THE PARSONAGE ROOF — Althea S. Miller ................. 42 THE CHR IST IAN HOME — Paul Bayles ................................ 43 M A K IN G MELODY — Ralph Carmichael ................................... 47 WORLD NEWSGRAMS — J. O. Henry .............. ...... 48 CHURCH RECREATION— Jim Slevcove ............. ................. 49 H YM N S YOU LOVE — Phil Kerr ............................................ 54 ACCENT ON YOUTH — Ken Poure ......................................... 58 Columns LETTERS ..... ............... ....... ......................................... 5 EDITORIALS ......................... .......... .............. 6 PEOPLE .................................................................................. 7 TOWN AND CAMPUS NEWS ..... ............ ..................... 44 HOM ILETICAL HELPS ..................... 45 THIS BUSINESS OF RADIO ............ 46 DISC PERSONALITIES .................................... 46 M IGH TY MESSAGES IN M IN IATU RE .......... ................ .... 55 NUGGETS OF GOLD ......... .................... ......... ........ ..... 56 Cover M a y we be reminded not only on Easter morn, but every day of our lives, that "H E IS R ISE N !" — All Rights Reserved —

March 15th March 22nd M IS S IO N A R Y CONFERENCE Missionary speakers from around the world March 29th Film " I BEHELD HIS G LO R Y " Full Color

LA M IR A D A Campus Auditorium Biola Ave. North of Rosecrans March 1st Film: "M A R T IN LU TH ER " Thrilling story of the reformation March 8th PH IL KERR M U S IC A L Phil emcees an afternoon with his musical friends March 15th Walt Disney film — with spiritual adaptation. Full color: "L IV IN G DESERT" March 22nd DR. ERNEST PICKERING National Executive Secretary of Independent Fundamental Churches of America March 29th Two thrilling W alt Disney films accompanied by special message ★ INSPIRAT IONAL MEETINGS FOR THE ENTIRE FAM ILY ★ CONVEN IENT NEARBY FREE PARKING 2:30 P.M. EVERY SUNDAY AFTERNOON "W A T E R B IR D S" "O L Y M P IC E L K "

S. H. SUTHERLAND: editor

J. RUSSELL ALLDER: business manager

JANE M. CLARK: circulation manager EDITORIAL BOARD

Irene Boyd, Bolton Davidheiser, Arnold D. Ehlert, Charles L. Feinberg, Edward Hayes, James O. Henry, Martha S. Hooker, Al Sanders, Oran H. Smith, Gerald B. Stanton

SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION — 'T he King's Business" is published monthly: U.S., its possessions, and Canada, $3.00, one year; $1.50. six months; 25 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. Write for details. Foreign subscriptions 75 cents extra. It requires one month for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REMITTANCES — Should be made by bank draft, express, or post office money order payable to "The King's Business/'

ADVERTISING— For information address the Advertising Manager, The King's Business, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California. MANUSCRIPTS — "The King's Business" cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed to us for consideration. Second-class postage poid at Los An­ geles, California. Printed in U.S.A. by Church Press, Glendale, California. ADDRESS: The King's Business, 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Californio.



Reader Reaction Graduate Expresses Appreciation Dear Friends: I am breaking down all precedents of mine by writing you this letter. I feel it is well deserved, however, so will not hes­ itate further. I have been so well pleased with the new KING’S BUSINESS, including the format, the articles and features. The mag­ azine also gives me a real contact with my alma mater with a personal warmth and friendliness that kind of makes me home­ sick for my old BIOLA days. I am look­ ing forward to the next issues. Pastor Don DeBoer, Stanton Community Church, Stanton, California. * * * * * M issionary Series Helpful Dear Brethren: In reading “The Vision that Made BIOLA Great,” I saw Nancy Zurfluh’s name as a missionary to Berlin, Germany. I wonder if you would let me have her address and maybe some of the details of what she is doing. You see, I was orig­ inally from Berlin (came over as a war bride). Three and a half years ago, I found our wonderful Saviour. My loved ones are all in Berlin, and all unsaved as yet. Maybe this would be a way of reach­ ing them for Christ. Incidentally, my hus­ band and I are thrilled with the KING’S BUSINESS. Thanks especially for the ar­ ticle by Vance Havner. We’ll be looking forward to reading more. Mrs. Edith Keyser, Lakewood, California EDITOR’S NOTE: Information requested has been supplied to Reader Keyser. We, too, pray that God may use this and every other means of reaching her loved ones with the Gospel of Christ. Concerning the article on “ The Vision That Made BIOLA Great” some of our readers have made inquiry about two mis­ sionaries named AMSTUTZ mentioned in the first installment. Two men have made the name illustrious by their distinguished service for Christ: Rev. Harold E. Am- stutz, who is candidate and deputation sec­ retary for the Association of Baptists for World Evangelism, and Rev. Harold D. Amstutz, a field director for the African Inland Mission, who was graduated from BIOLA in 1929. W e appreciate the alertness of our read­ ers in detecting this coincidence in names. * * * * * M agaz ine Fills Home Needs Gentlemen: Just thought you’d be interested to know that we had planned to let our subscrip­ tion run out this time, but the last couple of issues have really been good and we don’t want to miss a single copy of this “new magazine.” We feel it fills a real need in the Christian home. Thank you so much for what we are re­ ceiving now. We especially appreciate the definite stand you take on important issues of the day. So we are looking forward to another year of blessing from your maga­ zine. May our Lord bless you as you seek His guidance in its publication. Mrs. Don Bower, Nampa, Idaho

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M A R C H , 1 9 5 9


there?» L I F E in the A I R . . .

e IfvieSScicje o r C ha s te r There are t h r e e w o r d s in the English language that present to us the most stupendous fact of history: "He is risen." It is the fact of His resurrection that gives point and purpose both to His birth and to His crucifixion. Had He not been raised from the dead there would have been no particular reason in His miraculous birth. Had He not been raised from the dead, His death would have been as the death of any ordinary man. He might have died as a glorious exam­ ple, to show His followers the extent to which they should be willing to go for their ideals. But His death would never have served as an atonement for sin and death; for then He Himself would have been a victim of the very thing

. . . here in the Hawaiian Islands there grows a remarkable little plant which receives its sustenance entire­ ly from the air . . . . . . and likewise, countless thou­ sands in the Islands are receiving their spiritual sustenance from the air . . . . . . on Hawaii’s only missionary stations . . .

from which He came to deliver us. "Now in the place where He was crucified there was a garden ;and in the garden a new sepulchre . . . there laid they Jesus . . . for the sepulchre was nigh at hand." (John 19:41- 42) It appeared for a time that death and the forces of Satan were conquerors. But on that glad Easter morn, HE AROSE, for­ ever victorious over sin, death, and the grave ! Paul raises the academic question as to what the situation might be "if Christ be not risen. " He replies to his own ques­ tion by saying, "our preaching is in vain."

K A IM a n d K A IM -F M

. . . the outlets of The Hawaii Christian Broadcasting Association

Dr. S. H. Sutherland President , Bible Institute of Los Angeles , Inc.

The apostles and the true ministers of Jesus Christ from their generation to the present have "taught the people and preached through Jesus Christ the resurrection from the dead." Further, if Christ be not risen, "your faith is vain." This would mean that the faith of every Christian from our Lord's day to this has been built upon a false foundation. It makes little difference what type of super­ structure is erected; if the foundation is insecure, the super-structure is bound to topple. Paul continues, "if Christ be not risen, we are false witnesses of God." A false witness is simply a liar who unwittingly deceives ; his words cannot be trusted nor should his example be fol­ lowed. Paul suggests another most s o l e m n thought, "if Christ be not risen, ye are yet in your sins." Our assurance of forgiveness, our joy in being justified in the sight of God, our peace of mind and heart in Christ, our answered prayers, our bright hopes for the life to come - these all are imaginary, they are all illusions, and tlqey have be­ trayed the millions of every age who have held these hopes. "Ye are yet in your sins . . . we are of all men most miser­ able. " But, thank God, this is merely an academic question which Paul raises. For he continues with the glorious fact, "but now IS Christ risen." And, "because He lives, we too shall live" ! This, then, is the message of Easter.

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□ I would like further information about Hawaii Christian Broad­ casting Association.



(A Monthly Page of Names in the News) Mr. Bill Carle will be featured at the Church Musician’s Institute, sched­ uled for July 7-10 at the Indian Lake Camp Grounds, near Vicksburg, Mich­ igan. The four-day program will in­ clude refresher courses in all phases of church music. The Nazarene Pub­ lishing House is the sponsor.

Another significant step of faith has been taken by Missionary Aviation Fellowship with construction started on a hangar-shop, important to the preparation of aircraft for foreign missionary service. Location of the MAE headquarters now permits direct access to the newly extended Fullerton, California Municipal Airport. More than 200 people were on hand at the recent ground breaking service for the structure. Today 21 air­ craft and 34 airmen are assisting some 39 different mission societies in 6 areas of the world. Pictured at the service from left to right are: Rev. Paul Alleman, pastor of The Faith Evangelical United Brethren Church, Santa Ana; Mr. Jim Truxton, Vice-President of MAF; Miss Betty Greene, missionary pilot; Mr. Charles Mellis, Secretary of MAF; Mr. Windsor Vick, MAF worker; and bringing the brief message, Rev. Wes Gustafson, pastor of the First Evangelical Free Church of Fullerton. W e thank God for the modern day wings He is giving to spread the mes­ sage of salvation in this 20th century of spiritual need.

February 10. Dr. Goforth died in 1936. Dr. Henry Brandt, a Christian mar­ riage counselor, has completed a new course on Christian family living, available from the Moody Correspond­ ence School. The series is entitled, “ Keys to Better Living for Parents.”

DR. and MRS. VICTOR E. CORY ( above) of Scripture Press, have cele­ brated 25 years of publishing Sunday school materials. Started in one room of their home, the work has nou.' grown to an area which occupies two and a half acres. Scripture Press now serves more than 75 denominations in all parts of the world. Dr. Ted Engstrom, president of Youth for Christ, International, addressed more than 3,500 guests at the 10th World Congress of Christian Youth. DR. JOHN G. MITCHELL, pastor of the Central Bible Church of Port­ land, Oregon, spoke at the recent ground breaking services for the $325, 000 multi-purpose library building of the Dallas Theological Seminary. The structure ( artist’s conception below) is scheduled to be completed and ready for occupancy by September, 1959. It will hold 100,000 volumes.

MR. JOHN NOBLE, for 9 % years a prisoner of the Communists, will be one of the special speakers at the Na­ tional Association of Evangelicals, April 6-10. The meeting w ill be held in Los Angeles at the Statler Hotel. LT. GEN. WILLIAM K. HARRISON will also be a speaker. Dr. Paul S. Rees, former Minneapolis pastor and Bible teacher, has been appointed vice-president-at-large for World Vision, Inc. Mr. Peter de Visser; director of pub­ lications for Zondervan Publishing House, has announced the issuing of a new edition of “ Goforth of China” in connection with the centenary of the birth of Dr. Jonathan Goforth,

DR. CHARLES E. FULLER, direc­ tor of radio’s “Old Fashioned Revival Hour,” marked his 34th year of broad­ casting the gospel. He first started on the air in 1924, with a beginning on network radio in 1936. Dr. Fuller first became interested in mass communi­ cation during high school days, when he wrote a mail order house for parts to make a wireless receiving set.


M A R C H , 1 9 5 9

The Meaning of Calvary B y M E R V R O S E I X , M o n t r o s e , C a l i f o r n i a

(Read this to understand why the world is not hopeless — even now!)

I f we could place a human skull upon the ground near a miniature ancient city and swathe the place sur­ rounding the skull with more than a million multi-colored puppet soldiers, priests, Arabs and Jews from countries far-flung as well as from the Holy City . . . Calvary would live again. And could we know the hate surging through heated and expressive Oriental hearts against One whom most believed to be an imposter and a blasphemer (though His hand had brought naught but blessed comfort to every sufferer He had met in those three full years) . . . Calvary would live again. If each tiny figure beside that human skull could grow proportionally so that we could walk among them and look into each squinting eye, at each bearded face, at each gaping, screaming mouth with ragged teeth and rought abusives, at each tear-stained, fearful child, each woman tom between sympathy and dread, each agitated animal bearing human cargo — if we could see them and live among them for those six hours . . . Calvary would live again. Greeks, Romans, Arabs, Syrians, Africans, Egyptians and other Eastern people were among the throng of the international Jewry (met to commemorate the Passover of which Christ’s death was to be the antitype) as hoofs, wheels and sandals scraped a muffled death knell on the stony path to the brow of the skull. These human vultures had crowded early toward the hillside of crosses, and though no official invitation had been issued, they had met to presage the days of Christian slaughter. Amid the flash of burnished brass carried by the Roman soldiers and the shrieking hiss of brazen, hyster­ ical, unpaid heraldry, walked One called the Nazarene. That He was accompanied by such that followed and preceded Him belied such a humble name. Was He not the man who claimed sonship with God and kingship over the Jews? Was He not the expected Messiah? If not, then why the great procession of scribes, elders, rabbis, Pharisees with broad phylacteries, Sadducees, and repre­ sentatives of each group of the then-known world? Aside from the testimony of the presence of dignitaries, an onlooker would have known this was the Christ, for with silent mouth and submissive mien, He accepted the blows that rained on His body and the taunts that rushed against His ears. As He trod the serpent trail beneath the burden of the Roman gibbet, the transverse beam gouged the crown of thorns deeper into the back of a head already covered with a matted mixture of dried blood and hair. Upon the face and body, the blood had blackened hard beneath the hot Oriental sun, but not before it had besmirched the outer robe and inner seamless tunic. Every step seemed to be His last, for the Roman scourge had mangled skin, flesh and sinew in a vain attempt to spare the Cross its labor. The contagious hate of the high priest bubbled like a boiling cauldron as the Roman soldiers spiked the Christ to the gibbet and gambled His garments away. The majestic mien, the more majestic because it was framed between felons, matched the tender words, “ Fa­ ther, forgive them; for they know not what they do.”

From nine o’clock in the morning, according to our modern reckoning, until high noon did man revile the Hanged One as they bowed in mockery, shooting out the lip and cursing the Blessed Name, as He dealt with the penitent thief and His beloved below Him. When the sun rode the highest, it was blotted from the heavens as God turned His back on the Son buried beneath the composite of earthly sin. The earth rolled like a ship under the feet of His crucifiers, and in that dread moment Christ shouted, “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” Watchers trembled as the wail of desperation cut to the heart. Was this, then, truly the Son of God as He had maintained? Certainly the subse­ quent cries from the center cross answered the query. Yet the resurrection of that God-man was the ultimate vindication of the facts stated during a life of perfect ministry. Death was not the victor, for He was seen of “ above five hundred brethren at once” before the day of the promise written in Acts 1:9-11, for “ while they beheld, he was taken up; and a cloud received him out of their sight. And while they looked stedfastly toward heaven as he went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel; which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.” “ For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in (through) Jesus will God bring with him. For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent (precede) them which are asleep. For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the arch­ angel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with.them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord” (I Thessalonians 4:14-17). In lieu of the fact of sin, such a provisional transaction as was demonstrated by a personal and infinite God entails a definite responsibility upon each individual. This responsibility has involved all of us in varied discussion. Each reader has his own peculiar reactions to the doctrines of Christianity. They may be positive or negative. Possibly 50 percent of those wise enough to have an interest in the teachings of the world’s greatest text are merely following a precedent established by an organization or individual. Another 30 percent would admit that literature of one kind or another had influ­ enced them. Of the remaining 20 percent, perhaps half would be loathe to state the reason for following their peculiar habit of worship, whereas those of the last 10 percent would, no doubt, dogmatically declare their philosophies of religion founded upon notions and ideas that would give logic no end of trouble. Let us state the problem. Among so many and varied opinions regarding our relation to the living God, how can we know what to believe and what to reject as false? “ A certain gentleman states his views regarding a doc­ trine, another has his ideas as to the interpretation of a certain writing, and a third steps in to declare all pre-




by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of your­ selves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast.” Christ must be the Son of God, else He could have atoned for only one person. His Calvary work must have been sufficient, else God would not have said, “Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but accord­ ing to his mercy.” An active heart-faith must be the basis of salvation, else John 3:36 would not written thus: “ He that believeth on theSon hath ever­ lasting life.” Romans 10:9-10 makes a tremendous declaration re­ garding salvation and the new birth: “ If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.” Endeavor to twist these verses to conform to your reli­ gion (if you reject Christ and His way of eternal salva­ tion) and you will find yourself a beetle against a boul­ der; a mouse against a mountain; a gnat against Niagara. You will place the puny mind of finite man against the irrefutable verdict of infinite God. Read the ultimatum, “He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son . . . hath not life” (I John 5:12). I quickly drew the automobile to the curb and rushed with the other passengers to the still form that lay bloody and mangled near the highway’s edge. We tore the blood- soaked garments from his neck, hoping against hope that he would visibly breathe. Could he ever breathe again after being hurled, with terrific impact, through the roof of his antiquated car to the pavement. A large cattle truck had evidently loomed suddenly out of the mass of traffic striking the small car head-on with such force that the front axle had been twisted perpendicular to the highway and the entire machine demolished. Two of the onlookers had run to summon the ambulance and police, when a gray automobile circled the congested traffic and stopped. A professional gentleman stepped from the car and asked if a doctor were needed. An anxious affirmation came from a dozen voices. As the physician bent over the motionless body, his sensitive hands felt for some indication of life. The gathering on­ lookers watched with silent interrogation written on each face. One primary question was uppermost at the moment. Do you suppose we were asking “ Did the old car have good brakes?” or “Was the cattle truck on the wrong side of the center line?” or “Was either exceeding the speed limit?” or “ Don’t you think, Doctor, that old cars should be banned from public highways?” We would have been imbeciles to be playing with minor queries when a life was at stake. The only question our lips could utter was: “ Doctor, is he living or is he dead?” He was alive! Spir­ itually, are you living or dead in sin? Have you the Son of God or not? “What shall I do then with Jesus which is called Christ?” W ill you reject the Son of God so that you can continue to hold to a false theory presented to you by a friend or a parent who had not time to search out its truthfulness? Take your Bible and for yourself find these verities and see if these be not even as we have stated. Make cer­ tain that your religion has as its sum and substance the Person of the risen Lord Jesus Christ, not a preacher nor a priest, nor a code of ethics nor a social service program, not an idea nor a notion, but the Person of the Son of the living God whom we have believed, whom we love, serve and for whom we daily look. “ Even so, come, Lord Jesus.” END.

ceding presentations false, consequently, about what can we be positive?” is a common question. Granted that you are not an atheist, agnostic or infidel for there will be none (as such) in hell. The unbeliever will then be convinced of the existence of a just and living God who once presented a salvation by blood. If you follow after the teachings of God, why do you accept the doctrines which you believe? You answer, “ Because I can see them no other way, and they satisfy me.” A ll right, if you are convinced of the strength and purity of your religion, you are then willing to give it the acid test, are you not? Certainly! And if we find that your coins are counterfeit, that your material is not genuine, that you have an eleven-inch foot-rule or a thirty-five-inch yardstick, if we find that you have as your standard a fifteen-ounce pound or a three-quart gal­ lon, if we find that your religion does not stand the test, will you be willing (and I think you will — any logical person would) to accept a standard that is “up to par” ? “Well, what is the test, sir?” you ask. First, let us mutually agree that there are false religions which lead only to despair, condemnation and eternal destruction. The Bible says — and we hold to the Book of books as inspired — in I Timothy 4, “ that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils (demons); speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats . . .” Let us agree, then, that there are false religions, some that worship even at the shrine of the Prince of Demons. Second Peter 2 says, “There shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction. And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the truth shall be evil spoken of. And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you; whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not.” “ Even denying the Lord that bought them — ” there is the heart of the true issue. That statement excludes the blood sacrifice (as a propitiatory vicarious offering) of the sinless Son of God (Jesus, the Christ) for the other­ wise unpardonable sinful fall of all humanity. If you can exclude these verities, then the religion you follow with such fervor is classed with the above “ damnable heresies.” According to God’s Word, this denial of the Calvary work does not have to be blatant and audibly blasphem- ous, but can be a mere acquiescence to the statements given by more outspoken disbelievers. “Man looketh on the outward appearance,” whereas “ God trieth the (heart)” and knows whether your outward formality includes an interior regeneration or not. Further, this denial of Calvary and the blood work may not be an opposing mental attitude, but rather a heart neglect. One can believe all about the Lord Jesus Christ and still be following a false theory. I believe Satan’s most subtle lie today is this (as he speaks to your heart): “ Of course you may believe about God and Jesus and Calvary and all, but you need not be so fanatical as to humble yourself to receive Christ into your heart.” There is the capstone of modem lies, effecting a mental assent to the exclusion of saving faith. Put your religion in the acid solution and ask yourself if this is its foundation: “ Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved” (Acts 16:31). Does your religion include that? “ Oh, yes,” you say, “ and more, too.” Ah, if you add to that statement you make God’s Word insufficient. Some of you with sincerity try to add works, but Ephesians 2:8-9 cancels all addition by saying, “ For



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7 ^ Catty @&n,t&ticu€ By VANCE HAVNER

O n e of the institutions which has disappeared from American life is the old-fashioned Fourth-of-July celebration with its lemonade, fire­ crackers and patriotic oratory. Some of us remember the long-winded speeches about our national heritage, extolling the virtues of Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, and other heroes of our illustrious past. All that is gone now. Instead millions of week-enders jam crowded highways watching the rear bumper of the car just ahead or piling up accident records in holiday slaughter. But the worst of it all is that, al­ most unnoticed, something very pre­ cious has slipped away along with the lemonade, the firecrackers and the oratory. It has been a long time since I have heard an old-fashioned American speech on the Fourth of July or any other day. For years our national heroes have been debunked, their reputations riddled by mud- slinging, muckraking smear cam­ paigns. Our school children no longer regard them with admiration but rather with cynicism. Subtle inter­ nationalist influences have encour­ aged reducing these giants of our past to insignificance. Of course they had their faults but any generation that has made as big a mess of everything as we have done had better keep its dunce cap for itself. Strangely enough, these old-timers are quite up-to-date. If you will substitute Communism for George III in Patrick Henry’s immor­ tal speech, it will sound like today’s newspaper! j We need a good dose of old-fash­ ioned Americanism in these days when the U.S. is subordinated to the U.N. and when another flag threatens to fly above our own. Recently I read “ The Roosevelt Family of Sagamore Hill.” It took me back to a period now strangely remote. I grew up in a Southern Democrat home, but Teddy Roosevelt was my boyhood hero. He preached the strenuous life and his emphasis was upon rugged American­ ism. Years ago he said: “ The pro­ fessed internationalist usually sneers at nationalism, patriotism, what we call Americanism. He bids us for­ swear love of country in the name of

nation.” We are a set-apart nation and we are in danger of losing our national characteristics. I am an American and a Christian and I am concerned both for my country and my church. Indeed, both are set forth in this same First Epistle of Peter: “Honour all men. Love the brother­ hood. Fear God. Honour the king” (2:17). America is not “ the chosen nation” but a favored nation, a melt­ ing-pot of all nations, a sort of inter­ national nation. But there is grave danger that we shall lose our nation­ alism in an internationalism that sounds forth from its glass house in Manhattan. Just as America is in danger, so is the church. Just as we are in a day of One-worlders, so we are in a day of World-churchers. We must beware of entangling alliances, losing our identity as God’s holy na­ tion in a religious hodge-podge. I am afraid of all kinds of hash. I do not like hash away from home because I don’t know what it is made of. I heard of a man who had eaten hash for dinner. When asked how he felt, he said he felt like everything! A glorified hash today would mix all religious bodies. Putting three feeble denominations together to make one strong body proceeds on the general principle that by putting three sick babies into one bed you secure one well baby. “ Algie went for a walk. Algie met a bear. I am afraid of becoming a bulge in any unification bear prowling the woods these days. We shall be accused of having no ecumenical spirit. There The bear was bulgy. The bulge was Algie.”

the world at large. We nationalists answer, he has begun at the wrong end. As the world now is, only the man who ardently loves his country first can help any country at all.” Theodore Roosevelt proved that in his own life. He was honored as a world citizen because he was a great Ameri­ can. A man is a better member of the human family if his first loyalty is to his own family and he is a better member of the family of nations if he is true first to his native land. We do not hear much of that any more. I did hear a late reaffirmation of it some time ago when General Douglas MacArthur said, on his sev­ enty-fifth birthday, “ Seductive mur­ murs are arising . . . that we are pro­ vincial and immature, or reactionary and stupid, when we idealize our own country; that there is a higher destiny for us under another more general flag. Repudiate them in the market­ place, from the platform, from the pulpit.” We need to recover our American nationalism. I do not mean isolation­ ism for we should always be ready to cooperate with other nations for the common good. But it must not be amalgamation at the cost of our na­ tional sovereignty and those charac­ teristics which have made us great. God save us from the booby traps of One-worlders and World-staters! But I am thinking of another kind of nationalism which is set forth in our text. America is not a Christian nation. There is only one Christian nation, God’s people, the church of Jesus Christ. Israel was a chosen peo­ ple. We are a “ peculiar people,” a people of His own. We are not to be queer but different. And yet it would be strange if this world did not think of us as queer. In fact Phillips puts it this way: “ Indeed your former com­ panions may think it QUEER that you no longer join with them in their riotous excesses and accordingly say all sorts of unpleasant things about you” (1 Peter 4:4). We hear a lot today about colonial­ ism and nationalism. Christians are colonials for we are a colony of heav­ en, our citizenship is there (Phil. 3: 20), and we are nationals, “ an holy

Dr. Havner's helpful a rtic le s appear from time to time in the page s of "The King's Business". Regular readers will be glad to learn that other stimulating mes­ sages are sched­ uled for release in future issues.



is a true ecumenicity which I have seen all these years in Bible confer­ ences where Christians of all groups gather to hear the Word of God. That is unity of spirit but artificial unifica­ tion is something else. But it is not enough merely to avoid entangling alliances. What is the positive side of all this? Why are we an holy nation? What is the pur­ pose of it? “That ye should shew forth the praises of Him who hath called you out of darkness into His marvel­ ous light.” Communism shews forth the praises of Karl Marx. Communists do not say, “ Other ways are just as good.” Christians are ambassadors for Christ. An American ambassador is not out to make Americans of every­ body but Communists are out to make Communists of everybody and Chris­ tians ought to be out to win every­ body to Christ. Someone has said that Communists are out to win the world but Americans are out to enjoy it. Christians should be out to overcome it and win as many out of it as we can. It is harvest’ time today. It is A PRESENT HARVEST: “ Say not ye, There are four months and then com- eth harvest? behold I say unto you, Lift up your eyes and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest” (John 4:35). We are told to lift up our heads when the signs of our Lord’s coming begin to come to pass, for our redemption draws nigh. But it is not only redemption time, it is reaping time. Some get excited about the Returning Lord who show little concern for the Reaping Lord of the Harvest. It is also a PLENTEOUS HAR­ VEST: “The harvest truly is plente­ ous but the labourers are few” (Matt. 9:37). And it will soon be a PAST HARVEST: “The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved” (Jer. 8:20). “ Soon will the season of rescue be o’er.” Communism has a vision of the harvest and they are out, not merely for territory, but for the souls of men. We Christians are playing at harvest time. It is not enough to sing missionary hymns. The sacrifice of praise must be followed by the sacrifice of possessions (Heb. 13:



" If my people which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." — II Chron. 7:14

15, 16).. Communism has its mission­ ary plan and program and there is an urgency about it. We have ours, too, but often it is merely an item in a church budget instead of a passion in the church’s heart. I saw a cartoon of the president of a business firm standing in the sales manager’s office. There was a fine map on the wall with vari-colored pins indicating the salesmen out on the road. Business must have been poor for the president said, “What we need is to take the pins out of the map and stick them into the salesmen!” We have our missionary maps today but we need a motive that gets us moving. We have the plans but we need a

prodding. Paul had more than a map, he vhad a mission. Knowing the ter­ ror of the Lord, he persuaded men, the love of Christ constraining him. We need a Gideon’s Band of real Christians who will be what they really are, a holy nation, a peculiar people, Christian colonials and heav­ enly nations, a Master’s minority in a pagan world, a spearhead of expend­ ables willing to spend and be spent, whose business is solely to proclaim the excellencies of Him Who has called us out of darkness into His marvelous light. May our gracious Saviour and our God assist us to pro­ claim, to spread to all the earth abroad the honors of His Name!



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I t was shortly after midnight when an old lady’s car groaned to a dead stop on the Santa Ana freeway, East of Los Angeles. A carload of teenagers stopped in front of her. One of them got out and came toward her with a white card in his hand. She had read in the newspapers about modern teenagers and was un­ easy as he came up to the window. He handed her the card, stamped and addressed to the Cruise-Aiders Car Club, 1151 South Ditman Avenue, Los Angeles 23, California. “ I’m with the Cruise-Aiders,” he said, “ a Christian car club. May I help you?” Very soon he was under the hood, checking wires, fuel lines, timing, and ignition. Then he beckoned to the other fellows in his car, “We’ll have to push it to headquarters,” he said, “No hope of getting, it started here.” The generator was bad and could­ n’t be fixed that night. So one of the Cruise-Aiders drove the lady to her home in Covina 25 miles away. The next day, with their own money, the Cruise-Aiders bought a new generator, installed it, and delivered the car to Covina. In appreciation for their services the lady sent the club a donation and letter praising their work. The note chalked up points for the young man who offered help—and gave it. The 1. Two members of the Cruise-Aiders Car Club enter headquarters at the Young Russians Christian Association. Jim Slevcove, columnist for The King's Bus­ iness, is pastor and director) 2. California Highway Patrol officer in­ structs Allan Korneff and Gabe Valoff in the use of flares. 3. Club members work together in chang­ ing flat for stranded motorist. 4. Club member Howard Biers changes a flat tire for a woman and her daughter. Following club rules, Howard parks his own car in front of the distressed mo­ torist. 5. Club members work on Crusader boat pictured in its beginning stages. Now completed, boat serves as a recrea­ tional facility for members and friends. E x p la n a t io n o l P ic t u r e s (From Top to Bottom)

letter went into the file with other complimentary cards and letters. One of them says, “ He was very friendly and gracious. I am thankful he came along and I deeply appreciate his big help.” A man wrote from Hollywood, “My faith in teenagers is restored.” A lady wrote about a Cruise-Aider that aided her, “ This was the nicest thing that has happened to me for a long time. He not only provided a push but followed my car for several blocks to see that I had no further trouble.” The originator of the 25-member Cruise-Aiders Car Club is Jim Slev­ cove, executive director of the Young Russian Christian Association. Co­ sponsor is Bill Halopoff. Both men are tall, swarthy Molokans interested in their fellow Russians living in an exclusive settlement in East Los An­ geles. “ This club gives these guys a chance to live their Christianity,” says Jim. “Men who are mechanical­ ly-minded find their place of service in it. Teaching Sunday School classes or leading singing may not be their talents, but they can serve Christ by their effecti-ve witness on the high­ ways.” Most Cruise-Aiders own their own cars, but club rules allow one man in five to enroll without a car. “ But if he’s like the others,” Bill Halopoff says, “ he’s about to own one. They are all hot-rod minded.” Their rule of honor is to aid a dis­ tressed motorist any time, anywhere. One man wrote of his benefactor, “ I was very impressed by his desire to help . . . in spite of the fact that he was all dressed up and possibly on a date. This young man is a credit to your fine organization.” Every six months a trophy goes to the Cruise-Aider who has provided the most service to stranded motorists. Records are kept on white cards that are handed to motorists and returned by them through the mail. The mem­ ber tears off the top of the card and keeps it for his own file record. Each card is worth 25 points. Members with








1,000 points get free custom work done on their cars. Ones with 1,500 - more free work on their cars. The Cruise-Aiders wear bright red alhletic jackets with black trim, dis­ playing the Cruise-Aider emblem on front and back. An elaborate metal plaque with their club name sits in the back window of their beloved cars. In the metal is molded the out­ line of a roadster with a shield broad- side in the middle. On the shield are the Greek letters “ Sigma” and “ Phi,” standing for “ Service” and “ Friend­ ship.” Over the roadster is a banner carrying the words, “ Crusader.” Each year the club has an out-of- town breakfast, goes on camping and boating trips, and attends car shows. A current project is to furnish each car with an “ auto-medic” kit which includes a fire extinguisher, gasoline can, a few wrenches, and tire tools, flares, battery booster cables, tow line, and flashlight. T h e mo s t r e c e n t l y completed project was the building of an 18’ 6” speed boat. Under the supervision of Jim Komeff, a Captain in the Los An­ geles County Fire Department, and the sponsors, the boys built a “ Hot­ rod” from stem to stem and powered it with a 305 horsepower engine. The cost of the boat to the club was $2200.00, and it now has a retail value of $4300.00. “The boat,” says Bill Halopoff, “ has already given the club a real boost. It helps draw new members and pro­ vides terrific water skiing and boating recreation on our camping trips.” Funds to pay for the boat are being raised in a unique manner. The mem­ bers have developed a soap formula that they now manufacture and dis­ tribute to auto garages and industrial firms. Crusader Hand Cleaner removes grease, paint, tar, and all other dirt without the use of water. It is a cream that liquifies when rubbed on the hands and wipes off clean with a paper towel or cloth. Crusader Hand Cleaner can be obtained through The Hally Company, 3515 So. Greenwood, Montebello, California, RA 3-4508. Jim and Bill keep club spirit high



by arranging special meetings. One day they invited Officer Ward of the California Highway Patrol to lecture to the “ car hounds” on safety mea­ sures of all types and how to use emer­ gency equipment. The Cruise-Aiders “ pumped” the officer with questions for two hours and a half, delighting to question a “ cop” about items of the law they wanted cleared up. Except for their winsome ways and pleasant manner the Russian high­ waymen look mean when they step out of their cars. Most are tall, broad shouldered fellows, built for athletics. They have rules about putting motor­ ists at ease about their motives: 1) al­ ways park in front of a stalled car, 2) only one may get out at a time, and 3) always carry the white card in your hand, and 4) the Crusader insig­ nia must be displayed in full view on the rear of the car. Allan Komeff, president, is a husky 185 pound all league football player from Downey High School. Vice-Pres­ ident is Bill Vikunoff, an outstanding club leader. Dave Slevcove, a Sunday School teacher, is the secretary and is a student at the East Los Angeles Junior College. Treasurer is Jack Rud- ometkin, a high school student major­ ing in auto mechanics. Club meetings convene on Monday evenings fortnightly. Each session is opened by prayer, and ways are sought to increase the effectiveness of their highway witness. Safe driving is emphasized through movies and dis­ cussion. The Cruise-Aiders are plan­ ning to prepare a tract to leave with people they meet. It will say some­ thing like this, “ It was a privilege to help you on the road today. Enclosed

is a message that will help you when you get into trouble on life’s road. Heeding it you will go safely to your Destination.” In the wake of the Crusaders’ exam­ ple, many other organizations have written asking for help in organizing a similar club. Inquiries have come from churches, the Boy Scouts, the YMCA, the American Legion, and some schools. To answer those re­ quests, Jim and his men are preparing a literature kit with pictures to show others what they are doing and how a car club can be formed for the glory of the Lord. Driving into town one night recent­ ly a Cmsader flicked on his car radio and listened to a disc jockey phoning around town getting comments from Southern California citizens. He heard one lady, on the telephone, say, “ There’s too much written about ju­ venile delinquency. I want to tell you about the Crusaders . . . their sole purpose is to help others in need on the highway. They helped me when my car broke down recently.” The disc jockey was overwhelmed and the Crusader, riding along the freeway, felt good inside. It was his way of living for the Lord, he thought. Slevcove says, “ The Crusader enjoys his Christian life because it is effec­ tive, real, and practical to him. By giving the simple word that he is in a Christian car club, by providing phys­ ical help with his hands and strong back, and by leaving a tract, he finds a way to live for the Lord he loves.” “ The ideals behind your club,” wrote - a Whittier resident, “ could change the entire world if carried far enough.” END.



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