King's Business - 1959-03


pay generous dividends for life

Wheaton Annuity Contracts yield a liberal rate of return (up to 8 .6% , depending on your age) and assure you of income checks for life. And in addi­ tion to the generous financial benefits—you have the priceless satisfaction of knowing that you have made an eternal investment “ for Christ and His K ingdom” —that you are having a share in the training of young people for Christian life and service. Wheaton Annuity Contracts are available in multiples of $100 on a Single Life or Survivorship basis. And through the Wheaton Annuity Plan, you can also provide regulated sums of money by will to your loved ones. Wheaton Annuities provide important tax bene­ fits also. A good portion of your annual check is “ excluded” from federal income taxes.

These two plans . . . make it possible to have your funds at work for the Lord . . . some in Wheaton Annuities, where the rate of return for the older ages is h igher. . . and some in Wheaton Deposit Agreements, where your principal is always available if needed and you are assured of a good return on your money.

W rite us for more detailed information as to the flexibility of both Wheaton plans. N o obligation,


of course.



pay 3 % % per year For the person who wants his money to go into the Lord’s work, but finds it necessary to have the principal available if needed—the Wheaton Deposit Agreement is ideal. Deposits may be made from time to time, and withdrawals in multiples of one hundred dollars may be made upon written notice. Currently you receive 3 y2% interest per annum and payments are made semi-annually.

Dept. K39

W H E A T O N C O L L E G E I E A T O N « I L L I N O I S

Please send me, without obligation: f~] Pleasant Tomorrows, the illustrated booklet which explains in detail your Annuity Plan. □ Folder describing Wheaton Deposit Agreement. Name ___________ ’_______________________ Age _____ Sex ______ Address_ City_ Zone _State

W H E A T O N A N N U I T I E S , M A D E S I N C E 1898, H A V E N ’T M I S S E D A S I N G L E P A Y M E N T

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